In a few days, Australia will usher in a new fiscal year. At this time, some new policies will be implemented. Another piece of good news has just come: a free screening program for all newborns in New South Wales and the Capital Territory. Two rare genetic diseases added!

In a few days, Australia will usher in a new financial year.

At this time, some new policies will be implemented.

Another good news has just come:

All newborns in New South Wales and the Capital Territory are free of charge. Screening project,

adds two rare genetic diseases!

Source: news

According to media reports, starting from July 1st, all newborns in New South Wales and the Capital Territory, (Australia’s largest Internet celebrity Douyin account "Micro Sydney" will take you to see all the things about Australian life Interesting stuff! A must-have for studying abroad, traveling and immigrating! Please search "Wei Sydney" on Douyin, we are waiting for you!)

You can get free screening for the following two diseases within 48-72 hours after birth. :

Severe Combined Immunodefficiency (SCID),

severe combined immunodeficiency,

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), spinal muscular atrophy.

These two genetic diseases will be permanently added to the Newborn Screening Program in New South Wales.

The New South Wales government will invest 1.3 million per year for this purpose.

Previously, New South Wales has conducted a 4-year trial in Sydney Children's Hospitals Network. The pilot project was very successful.

On Sunday, NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said:

"Screening will be provided to approximately 10 newborns each year, saving the lives of up to 13 newborns, including 10 SMA patients and three SCID patients."

"I urge other states and territories to follow suit and screen newborns for SMA and SCID, as NSW does, to give them the best chance of survival."

Source: news

According to reports,

SMA is the most common cause of death in infancy and early childhood. Sexual neurogenetic diseases have an incidence rate of one in 10,000.

If not treated, the life expectancy of children is only about 9 months.

The incidence rate of SCID is one in 40,000.

It will lead to low immunity in children.

Newborns with this disease are often at risk of death due to infection in the first year after birth.

However, if the child can survive after birth Within three and a half months, about 94% of children who receive stem cells to treat will survive.

Minister Hazzard said that allowing newborns to undergo SMA and SCID screening within three days of birth can make parents more confident in the health of their babies:

"New South Wales is the first to fund newborn screening to ensure that children with children can receive treatment as early as possible. , to prevent these diseases from causing physical harm to children, sometimes even fatal harm. "

Source: news

This is definitely good news for expectant fathers and mothers, (Australia's largest Internet celebrity Douyin account" "Micro Sydney" will show you all the interesting things about life in Australia! A must for studying abroad, traveling and immigrating! Please search "Micro Sydney" on Douyin, we are waiting for you!)

If your child is diagnosed just after birth, it is rare Disease, that is really a huge blow.

I hope that as the New South Wales Minister of Health said, other places can follow suit and save more children's lives!