As a big country of immigrants, Australia attracts immigrants from all over the world with its complete medical system, high-quality education, favorable immigration policies and high-quality living environment. Applicants who don’t know how to choose can simply learn about the a


As a major immigrant country, Australia attracts immigrants from all over the world with its complete medical system, high-quality education, favorable immigration policies and high-quality living environment. Australia has six states ( New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania) and two territories ( Northern Territory and ACT). Applicants who don’t know how to choose can simply take a look at the advantages of each state!

New South Wales

New South Wales is the most populous and most industrialized region in Australia. It is the most important economic and cultural center in Australia. It has the largest number of settled people in the region, more than 35% of the products are produced in this state, it has the largest financial center in the country, and its degree of industrialization is also the highest! Attracting more than one-third of the country’s foreign trade investors.

major cities Sydney , Wollongong, Newcastle.

Victoria Victoria is the manufacturing center of Australia and often hosts a variety of international art and sports events. It is a state with a very dense population, a high degree of industrialization, and the most developed area of ​​agriculture and animal husbandry. Main cities Everyone is familiar with Melbourne .


Queensland is located in the northeastern part of the Australian continent, bordering the Pacific Ocean to the east. The regional population ranks third in Australia. Queensland is close to the equator and has a hot climate. It is a favorite for people who are afraid of the cold and prefer sunshine! However, is rich in natural resources , with sugar exports ranking first in the country and minerals accounting for a quarter of Australia. The local area is rich in agricultural and animal husbandry resources, and it is also a major fruit producing area!

major cities Brisbane , Sunshine Coast .

South Australia South Australia, nicknamed the "Festival State", is located in the center of the southern coastline of the Australian continent. It is the only state in the Australian continent that borders all states and territories. The terrain is dominated by mountains, grasslands and valleys. The rich and colorful animal and plant ecology constitutes a unique natural landscape. The region is rich in dairy products, wine and wheat, and is also famous for this. It is a world-famous source of wine. main city adelaide.

Western Australia Western Australia is located in western Australia, on the edge of the Indian Ocean, with an area equivalent to the entire Western Europe . The state has a large number of deserts and salt lakes, is vast and sparsely populated, and the mining and energy industries are important export products within the state. The natural scenery and ecological environment remain in their original state, making it the state with the richest natural landscapes in Australia.

major cities perth .

Tasmania The only island state in the Australian Commonwealth and the smallest state in Australia. The climate here is mild and pleasant all year round, and the scenery in this area is absolutely unique in the world! Tasmania looks like a heart when viewed from above Australia, so it is also known as the "Heart of the World".

Main cities Hobart is the capital and largest port city of Tasmania, Australia.