Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with

2024/06/2104:29:33 migrant 1581

Many friends who have just come to Cyprus will complain to me that the people here are very Buddhist, inefficient, and lazy every day. I always smile when I hear this, because I know that in the past After a while, they will be assimilated into this "Buddhist system".

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

It has been more than 20 years since I first came to Cyprus. At the beginning, I was not used to the life here. Everything was very slow, which made me feel that my patience was about to be exhausted. But when I tried After trying to enjoy this slow life, my own pace has also slowed down, and I have also concluded the reasons why these overseas people live a slow life and like to lie down.

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

There are many holidays, so there is no need to work overtime.

The main national holidays in Cyprus include New Year's Day, Epiphany, Green Monday (50 days before Orthodox Easter ), Greek National Day, Cyprus National Liberation Struggle Day, Easter, and International Labor Day Festival, Flood Festival, Assumption Day, Cyprus National Day, Greece National Day, Christmas, etc. In short, there are always holidays, and corresponding activities will be held to celebrate it. It is difficult to imagine that this kind of life is not easy.

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

The Cyprus government implements a two-day holiday system on Saturdays and Sundays. Since May this year, some companies have even started to trial working only four days a week. Moreover, except for some shops in tourist areas and large shopping malls, all government departments, companies, banks and most shops are closed on public holidays. The government, banks, post offices, etc. end work at 2:30 pm. Most supermarkets, shops, etc. are closed on Wednesdays. Opening hours are shortened in the afternoon and closed on Sundays. Local people attach great importance to enjoying life. For them, living a good life is the most important thing, and their mentality is also very positive.

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

The cost of schooling and medical treatment is low

This is one of the reasons why they like to lie down. Cyprus implements 12 years of compulsory education, 6 years of primary education, and 6 years of secondary education. Public education is free for every student. In addition to public schools , Cyprus also has a large number of private schools with high quality education, providing Greek , English, Russian, French , Italian , Armenian and Arabic teaching. Compared with other European countries, Cyprus's education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The ratio of teachers in international schools in Cyprus: 10.8 to 1, less than 11 teachers educate 1 student.

Private schools in Cyprus are very economical compared to private school fees in many domestic cities. In the UK, private high school tuition is 30,000 to 40,000 pounds, which is about five times that in Cyprus.

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

Kindergarten, there are many private kindergartens directly opened by the British in Serbia, and the fees are about 1500-4000 euros per year.

Primary school fees are 5000-6000 euros per year.

middle school fees are 6000-8000 euros per year.

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

In terms of primary care, there is a universal primary care plan here. After entering the system, it does not cost a penny to watch, and it only costs 1 euro to purchase. A friend of mine in Dalian gave birth to his second child here and had a caesarean section. From various pre-pregnancy examinations and medicines to 10 months of surgery and hospitalization, the total cost is 147 euros. There is also Mr. Wang from Chengdu, who is trapped here because of his passion. He himself suffers from old age and complications such as high blood pressure and diabetes . After living here, he only needs 1 euro for a box of various medicines every month. Just go to the drugstore on the street to buy the prescription after the doctor writes it. Cyprus also has a very large proportion of private hospitals and lifetime population, reaching an average of one lifetime per 192 people. This aspect also makes me feel more at ease.

Comfortable living environment

There is a saying that "the soil and water support the people". The laid-back and laid-back character of the islanders is also related to their comfortable Mediterranean climate , gentle waves, and relaxed and leisurely environment. . There are more than 300 sunny days in a year, and the sea water is also very clean and transparent. As the sun rises and sets, the island can show various types of beautiful scenery.

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

This kind of climate and water and soil advantages make the vegetables and fruits here grow very well, with a wide variety of varieties and quite cheap prices.If you often cook for yourself, a family of three will not spend more than 400 euros a month on food. What makes me feel more exaggerated is that on the land here, I don’t know who vomited watermelon seeds , and actually produced a big watermelon (maybe because I don’t know much about this aspect, so I am surprised ), but I also have to admire the magic of nature.

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

The threshold for permanent residence is low and the procedures are simple.

Among the Chinese who immigrated to Cyprus, some come to take care of themselves, take their children to study abroad, and invest. In fact, there are many countries that can meet these needs. The reason why they choose to settle down in Cyprus is, In addition to the above reasons, the threshold for applying for permanent residence in Cyprus is relatively low, and the application process is also very simple. You can apply for permanent residence by purchasing a property of more than 300,000 euros, and the application can be successfully completed in about 2 months at the fastest.

Compared with other European countries, Cyprus’ education standards are very high. Most of the lecturers and teachers have received professional training in developed European countries and the United States. The teacher ratio of international schools in Cyprus is 10.8 to 1, with - DayDayNews

After all, different countries have different cultures. Doing as the locals do is the best way to integrate into the life of the country of immigration. However, I also found that the reason why overseas people like to lie flat is because they have less pressure in life and pay great attention to personal subjective feelings. Paying attention to enjoying life is something I admire more.

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