On July 15, the Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference. Xu Lin, Director of the Municipal Administrative Approval Service Bureau, and Yu Tao, Deputy Director of the Municipal Administrative Approval Service Bureau introduced "Weihai City's Implementation"

Hi Weihai Client News On July 15, the Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference. Xu Lin, Director of the Municipal Administrative Approval Service Bureau, and Yu Tao, Deputy Director of the Municipal Administrative Approval Service Bureau introduced the "Weihai City Implementation" of the Shandong Provincial People's Government on Shaping Strong The "Love Shandong" government service brand comprehensively promotes the implementation of the government service system construction "Work Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Plan") and answered questions from reporters.

The press conference was held in the integrated media studio on the 11th floor of the Daily News Building

■News extension:

In recent years, in the process of Weihai promoting "Internet + Government Services", what methods have been adopted to streamline the certification materials for matters?

·Construction of electronic license database

Completely build a municipal electronic license database to provide external license data sharing services. At present, it has been connected to the provincial electronic certificate database for 248 types of certificates and licenses, and the amount of collected certificate data is 4.82 million pieces.

· Promote the application of electronic certificates

Our city's relevant business systems have been connected with the electronic two-certificate system, involving government services, real estate, provident fund , medical insurance, social credit, housing transactions, work-related injury recognition and other fields, to achieve electronic identity Certificate and electronic business license comprehensive application .

For 1,443 government service items at the urban and municipal levels, enterprises and the public can display their electronic licenses through the "Love Shandong APP", eliminating the need to submit physical licenses.

·Promote intelligent approval

In the field of market access, 80 intelligent instant approval and instant application service terminals have been added, covering 8 districts, cities, development zone halls and 55 convenient service centers. You can complete the establishment of business license with your ID card Register for "Instant batch processing" and "24 hours non-stop" . At present, the city's business start-up time has been reduced to one hour, which is the shortest time in the province.

In the next step, how will Weihai implement certificate-free services and one-code access?

· Deepen the application of electronic certificates

Basically realize the electronicization of currently valid certificates, promote more government service matters to be directly linked to electronic certificates and related data resources, basically realize the comprehensive application of high-frequency electronic certificates in the field of government services, and realize the "free application materials" submit".

·Promote one-code universal use

Promote the integration and convenient application of electronic certificates and licenses, achieve unified brightening codes and the integration of multiple codes, and select some scenarios in the field of government services to pilot the application of "one-code brightening certificates".

·Promote the "intelligent office"

further strengthen the application of artificial intelligence technology, improve intelligent service functions such as automatic pre-review of application materials, automatic pre-filling of application forms, automatic verification of review points, and real-time sharing of data, and launch a pilot batch of batches of complete processes without manual labor Intervention approval, instant approval and "zero material processing" applications.

What measures has our city taken in recent years to facilitate businesses and people, and improve the convenience of services for businesses and the public? What results have been achieved?

By streamlining the approval process, reducing the number of signatories, and lowering the approval level, the approval time limit for administrative licenses has been shortened. As of the end of June, the Municipal Administrative Approval Service Bureau has processed a total of 88,000 administrative licenses of various types, and the average processing time limit has been reduced by 69% compared with before the transfer. %, the approval efficiency increased by 3 times.

builds a "one-stop service" general portal covering the four levels of cities, counties, towns and villages, including all government service matters of 49 municipal departments, 8 districts and cities, 73 towns (streets), and 2677 villages (communities). With the operation of the "One-stop Online Service" general portal, the online processing rate for non-confidential government service matters has increased to 100%, and the online processing rate for the entire process has increased to 98.23%.

improves the integrated government service platform, mobile phone and self-service terminal service functions, deepens the promotion and application of high-frequency electronic certificates in the field of government services, and promotes "license-free service" and "smart service" for government services.

implements "one window acceptance", "one chain processing", "notification and commitment system", "one industry one certificate" and other reforms, integrates business processes, and promotes administrative service matters "integrated office", "cross-domain office" and "nearby office" , creating the province’s first “easy-to-handle” government service brand .In the field of engineering construction project approval,

is the first in the country to realize the "closed-loop approval" of district and city engineering construction projects. Project units no longer need to go to the municipal lobby, completely solving the previous problem of "running both ways" at the city and district windows for project approval. On average, the number of errands for approval is reduced by 2/3, and the approval time limit is shortened by 1/3.

Our city is the first in the province to change the on-site certification of high school teacher qualifications to a full online process.

Relying on the "Shandong Government Service Network", we have successfully developed an intelligent processing system for teacher qualifications, which has upgraded teacher qualifications from "offline processing" to "Do it online".

Academic certificates, test scores, and Mandarin proficiency certificate can all be automatically verified through the China Teacher Qualification Network database. After the applicant completes the certification application and goes to the designated hospital for a physical examination, he only needs to fill in his name and ID card in the corresponding matters on the "Shandong Government Service Network" You can complete the application by uploading basic information such as your number and physical examination report.

Applicants can not only check the progress of the entire process online, but will also receive instant text message notifications of the processing results. The certificate will be sent free of charge through EMS, truly realizing "once and never run". In the two batches of high school teacher qualification certification carried out by

this year, 1,069 applicants implemented the entire process online, achieving "one trip without leaving", accounting for 90.8% of all applicants. (Hi Weihai Client Reporter Cai Lei/Text Bi Yujing/Pictures)

Chief Editor: Yin Hongjun

Chief Editor on Duty: Zhang Juntao

Review: Yan Yanjun

Editor: Cai Lei