[Harbin Public Security News] (Liaoning Regional Economy/Zhu Shanyong Huang Qing) In order to further promote the new great project of party building, implement the party building work deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, the provincial party committee, the mun

[Harbin Public Security News]

(Liaoning Regional Economy/Zhu Shanyong Huang Qing) In order to further promote the new great project of party building, implement the deployment requirements of the party building work of the Party Central Committee, the provincial party committee, the municipal party committee and the municipal party committee, and comprehensively consolidate the city The grassroots party building foundation of the public security organs, strengthening the leading role of party building, and building the Bingcheng public security party building brand, on July 13, Harbin Municipal Public Security Bureau held a mobilization and deployment meeting for the party building theme activity of the city's public security organs "Strong Foundation, Build Loyalty and Create Safety". Bi Weimin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, and secretaries, deputy secretaries, and full-time and part-time organizers of party organizations at all levels of the Municipal Bureau attended the meeting.

The meeting interpreted the "City-wide Public Security Bureau's "Strengthening the Foundation, Building Loyalty, and Creating Safety" Party Building Theme Activities Plan, emphasizing the implementation of the "Strengthening the Foundation, Building Loyalty, and Creating Safety" Party Building Theme Activities and the Implementation of the "Four, Three, Two" Party Building Project. The need to implement the decision-making and deployment of the central party building work is the need to comprehensively rectify shortcomings and weaknesses, the need to connect with the requirements of superior party building deployment, the need to build the Harbin Public Security Party Building brand, the main brand of the municipal bureau's party building work, and the route of party building work. Diagram and basics to follow. Party organizations at all levels must pay close attention to implementation, make solid progress, continuously lay a solid foundation for the "four foundations", carry out the "three creations", strive to achieve the "two major improvements", and continue to improve the level of party building work in the city's public security organs.

Subsequently, four grassroots party organization representatives from the Party Committee of the Patrol Special Police Detachment, the Party Group of Xiangfang Branch, the Party Branch of Liaoyuan Street Police Station in Nangang District, and the Party Branch of Xiang’an Street Police Station in Songbei District made speeches, expressing their views on the city from different levels and angles. The bureau’s understanding of the party-building theme activity of “Strong Foundation, Building Loyalty and Safety”, combined with their respective realities, talked about the determination and ideas of the unit to carry out party-building theme activities and build its own party-building brand.

The meeting fully affirmed the achievements of the municipal bureau's party building work in recent years, comprehensively analyzed the shortcomings and weaknesses that urgently need to be solved in the municipal bureau's party building work, and put forward four points on further strengthening the party building of the city's public security organs and comprehensively improving the quality of party building work. Work requirements:

First, we must vigorously carry out party building activities. It is necessary to carefully study the Municipal Bureau's "Plan", understand the spirit thoroughly, study specific implementation measures based on the actual situation of the unit, and show its own characteristics and highlights on the basis of widespread implementation. It is necessary to make it clear that party organizations at all levels and all party members are the main body of the activities, mobilize them extensively, and involve all members. Second, we must vigorously strengthen the party's institutional construction. It is necessary to continue to study and implement the "Regulations on the Work of Grassroots Organizations of Party and State Agencies" and the "Regulations on the Work of Party Branches (Trial)", and clarify the core tasks of party building in agencies and the seven major functions of party branches; it is necessary to adhere to a problem-oriented approach, and revise and introduce shortcomings and weaknesses. The "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening Grassroots Party Building Work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau in the New Era" incorporates various requirements and strengthens supervision and inspection to ensure implementation. Third, we must vigorously strengthen the building of party cadres. It is necessary to strengthen the "top leader" responsibility of the party organization secretary, convene party committee meetings to study special topics, formulate resolutions, and comprehensively promote them. The secretary of the party committee of the agency must personally plan and deploy, organize and implement; he must allocate strong party cadres according to the proportion of 1% to 2% of party members. Organize and hold special training courses on party building knowledge to train party cadres and party organization secretaries to improve their abilities and quality. Fourth, we must vigorously strengthen model guidance and experience promotion. It is necessary to establish a strong party-building brand awareness of "strengthening the foundation, building loyalty, and creating safety", and persist in using the party-building brand to lead all party-building work; strengthen the selection of model trees, timely sum up experience and practices, commend and reward advanced models, and vigorously carry out publicity and reporting, in The Harbin Public Security Party Building brand is known throughout the city, the province and even the country, providing a solid political and ideological guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of Harbin's public security work and leapfrogging development.

Responsible Editor Song Qian

Reviewing Editor-in-Chief Fu Qiang