On July 13, the Qujing Municipal Land and Space Planning Leading Group held its third meeting in 2022 to study the delineation of "three districts and three lines", central city area planning, urban express planning and construction and other matters.

Handheld Qujing News ( Qujing Daily Reporter Wu Chahong/Wen Yanshuai/Photo) On July 13, Qujing Municipal Land and Space Planning Leading Group held its third meeting in 2022 to study the delineation of "three districts and three lines", Central urban area planning, urban express planning and construction, etc. The meeting emphasized the need to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on territorial spatial planning, coordinate the current and long-term, development and protection, do a good job in delineating “three zones and three lines” at a high level and with high standards, scientifically prepare territorial spatial planning, and provide Provide strong support for high-quality economic and social development.

Li Shisong, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and leader of the Municipal Land and Space Planning Leading Group, presided over the meeting. The

meeting emphasized that the delineation of "three districts and three lines" is an important part of land and spatial planning and is related to the city's long-term planning and future development. It is necessary to firmly establish the city's "one game of chess" awareness, highlight key points, be based on reality, coordinate regional coordinated development, coordinate space needs in various fields, scientifically and accurately delineate "three districts and three lines", scientifically and rationally plan and layout industrial development, urban construction, and project land space, Efforts will be made to build a territorial spatial pattern that supports high-quality regional economic development. It is necessary to base on the delineation results of "three districts and three lines", optimize the spatial planning layout of the land, clarify the focus and timing of area development, and use planning to lead and promote development. It is necessary to adhere to the economical and intensive use of land, increase the clearing and disposal of large quantities of unused and idle land, make full use of existing resources, strengthen the refined management of land resources, realize the transformation of urban development from extensional expansion to connotation improvement, and promote higher quality land and space development and protection. , more efficient and more sustainable. The

conference emphasized the need to strengthen systemic thinking and promote the comprehensive development and construction of the area with innovative concepts and measures, market-oriented means, and a high starting point and high standards. It is necessary to vigorously introduce high-quality enterprises and cultivate and strengthen state-owned enterprises, innovate investment and financing models, strengthen infrastructure construction in the area, use sound supporting facilities and beautiful ecological environment to enhance the advantages and quality of the area, create new space for urban development, build new advantages, and cultivate New momentum. It is necessary to adhere to the guidance of planning, improve the planning implementation system, strictly implement planning, strengthen process supervision, ensure the simultaneous design, construction, and delivery of various supporting facilities and construction projects, and continuously improve the level of urban planning and construction. It is necessary to scientifically plan and layout, accelerate the construction of urban express lanes, continuously improve urban regional transportation accessibility and convenience levels, and provide strong transportation guarantee for high-quality urban development. It is necessary to deepen the reform of the land reserve system, strengthen the coordination of land reserve work, improve the level of land factor protection, market regulation, and intensive utilization, promote the efficient allocation of land resources, and continue to improve the quality of urban development.

Ma Guoqing, Gong Jiawu, Li Jinlin, Zhao Song, responsible comrades from Qilin District, Zhanyi District, Malong District, Qujing Economic Development Zone and municipal relevant departments attended the meeting.