Ms. Jacqueline's garden has about 20 kinds of flowers blooming all year round and is well-known among flower lovers. The garden is filled with various flowers and plants. Ms. Jacqueline currently lives in Northern California, USA with her 2 children. Ms. Jacqueline shared that th

Ms. Jacqueline’s garden has about 20 kinds of flowers in bloom all year round and enjoys a high reputation among flower lovers.

’s garden is full of various flowers and plants.

Ms. Jacqueline and her 2 children currently live in Northern California, USA. Ms. Jacqueline shared that the entire house is 800 square meters wide, but because there are swimming pools and lawns in the front and back of the house, there is not much area left for her to plant flowers.

However, with her passion and experience in caring for flowers since she was a child, she alone planted about 50 plants with more than 20 kinds of flowers in bloom.

Her passion for growing and playing with flowers was developed in her childhood. In the early 1980s, she lived with her mother in a small village. When her mother was away, she often wandered in the garden, plowing the ground and planting trees.

The eldest sister saw that her granddaughter liked to pick wild flowers and take them home to plant, so she sent packets of seeds from Dalat to her niece. Since then, she has become more and more fascinated with flowers and has rich experience in flower cultivation.

In 1999, she moved to the United States to settle. Busy with raising children and working, her hobby of growing flowers was put on hold for many years. It wasn't until 4 years ago that she rediscovered her childhood passion.

"Before that I suffered from depression for a long time and had to be treated, but it didn't stop. Since I started gardening I no longer need to take medication."

There are so many roses alone Up to 50 roots.

At first, she planted gourds and some vegetables, but later, because she was passionate about flowers, she dedicated all the garden to growing flowers.

She shared her experience of producing brilliant flowers all year round. She said that the decisive factors for successful flower cultivation are: location, soil, moisture and nutrients.

' Before planting, the distribution needs to be designed accordingly: tall trees, dwarf trees, sun-loving plants , cool-loving plants, creeping plants, climbing plants, the last flowering season, the next flowering season... everything It's all determined. Get Ready - Create images to ensure there are always standards for flowers in all 4 seasons.

I was still confused in the first year, but I started to succeed in the second year. By the third year, start to understand more.

Currently, Ms. Jacqueline still works 40 hours a week, so she must allocate reasonable time for daily flower care.

"Every afternoon I water the plants for about 40 minutes, sometimes my daughter helps. Fertilizing once a month takes about 1 hour. Pruning ends about 1 day a year.

I usually get up early and go to the garden until the kids wake up, then I go in to prepare breakfast and then take them to school.

She works in the garden early every morning, spending 40 minutes watering the flowers.

For her, the garden is like a source of life, a priceless medicine. If the family often spends money on luxurious and expensive vacations, the mother and daughter often go to the garden to eat and play. She calls herself a "woman with a flower dream" and her home is always filled with freshly cut flower pots.

She is most proud of spreading her love of nature and her hobby of growing flowers to many people. She has about 30,000 photos of flowers in her garden on her mobile phone, which she can share with acquaintances and strangers

She revealed: " I share photos in the garden with like-minded friends. Many people believe that the passion for flowers is like a "plague" that spreads rapidly, has no cure, and is getting started with me.

Who doesn't get excited when they see photos of dining tables decorated with flowers cut from the garden? The presence of flowers makes the dish even more delicious. The corners of the garden are filled with flowers, and people can feel relaxed without having to go far.If I had known, the resort was behind the gardens.

Flowers in front of the house.

Roses are her favorite to grow in the garden.

A flower pot planted in front of the house.

Flowers bloom all year round in the garden.

flowers are used to decorate the dining table

There are flowers in her house all year round.

The garden is also a place for children to play.