Li Chunqiu asked at the special dispatch meeting for the city's investment promotion work to raise the coordinates, open the door and be inclusive, and promote investment promotion and strengthen the full tracking service from project contact to completion. On the morning of July

Li Chunqiu asked at the special scheduling meeting for the city's investment promotion work

to raise the coordinates, open the door and promote inclusiveness and promote investment promotion

Strengthen the full tracking service from project contact to completion

On the morning of July 7, the city's special scheduling meeting for the city's investment promotion work was held. (Photo by Reporter Pan Yu)

Huaihua News Network News (Reporter Shen Jian) ​​On the morning of July 7, a special scheduling meeting for the city’s investment promotion work was held. Li Chunqiu, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended and emphasized that it is necessary to raise the coordinates, open the door, embrace an eclectic approach to promote investment attraction, and strengthen the full tracking service from project contact to completion. Vice Mayor Zou Xingwang and Secretary-General of the Municipal Government Li Shizhong attended the event. The

meeting reported on the investment promotion work in the first half of the year. In the first half of the year, the city signed 121 new projects, a year-on-year increase of 210%, with a total investment of 45.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 340%, including 17 newly introduced projects of more than 1 billion yuan and 15 "Three Category 500" enterprise projects.

At the meeting, Li Chunqiu commented on the key indicators of the city's investment promotion work in the first half of the year, and analyzed the situation of project signings being negotiated and the implementation of signed projects. He pointed out that under the general environment of increasing downward pressure on the economy and the impact of the new crown epidemic on investment promotion, the city's investment promotion work in the first half of the year was remarkable and the achievements were hard-won. It is necessary to pay close attention to key indicators such as the actual utilization of foreign capital, newly established foreign-invested enterprises, newly introduced "three top 500" enterprises, newly introduced foreign trade entities, etc., make precise efforts, make key breakthroughs, and ensure that advantageous indicators are maintained and shortcomings are moved forward. Indicators compete for the lead.

Li Chunqiu requested that the coordinates be raised and the pattern enlarged. With the implementation of Huaihua International Dry Port and the strategy of "Strengthening the Provincial Capital", it will surely bring more resources to Huaihua , which will bring huge opportunities for our city to attract investment. Departments at all levels must view the general trend from an international perspective, enhance confidence, seize opportunities, make good use of the golden signboard of Huaihua International Dry Port, accelerate integration into the "Strong Provincial Capital" strategy, go out and bring in, and promote more high-quality enterprises and projects Come and cooperate. Open the door and go global. Further emancipate the mind, open the "heart" and "market", open up international and domestic markets, continue to optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time, reduce factor costs, and form an investment depression; establish the orientation of judging heroes based on performance, and further improve investment incentives mechanism to form a pattern of investment promotion for all. Be inclusive and persistent. Shift from focusing on investment in a single industrial field to coordinating investment in industry, modern agriculture, cultural tourism, and modern service industries; fully improve the professionalism of the team, focus on negotiating companies and projects, do enough "homework", and communicate attentively. Impress the enterprise with sincerity.

Li Chunqiu emphasized that the implementation of the project is the last word. The Municipal Commerce Bureau and the counties (cities, districts) should tighten the "clockwork" and run at full "horsepower", organize special teams to "wall chart operations", and strengthen the tracking and coordination services for the entire project process from contact and signing to construction and completion. Timely report the status of new projects entering the negotiation process, newly signed projects, newly started projects, and newly completed and put into production projects.

At the meeting, Xupu County , Huaihua Economic Development Zone, Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, Municipal Government Investment Liaison Office in Shanghai, Municipal Government Investment Liaison Office in Shenzhen, Huaihua Baoqing Chamber of Commerce, Huaihua Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce spoke.