In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on work safety and resolutely curb the frequent occurrence of gas accidents, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the State Council Safety Committee, the State C

htmlOn the afternoon of July 4, the State Council Office of Safety held a special video conference on national gas safety prevention in Beijing. In order to conscientiously implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on production safety and resolutely curb the frequent occurrence of gas accidents, in accordance with the deployment requirements of the State Council Safety Committee , State Council Safety Committee Office, Ministry of Emergency Management , Housing Urban and Rural Affairs The Ministry of Construction and the State Administration for Market Regulation have decided to launch a "100-day action" on gas safety from now until the end of October.

Huang Ming, Deputy Director of the State Council Security Committee and Minister of Emergency Management, presided over and delivered a speech. Li Rusheng, chief engineer of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and Tian Shihong, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the State Administration for Market Regulation, attended and delivered speeches.

The meeting pointed out that

At the end of last year, the State Council Safety Committee deployed a one-year inspection and rectification of urban gas safety. Since this year, it has introduced 15 hard measures for production safety and organized major inspections of production safety. However, recent incidents have occurred in some places one after another. Gas accident.

At present, with the rapid rebound of the catering activity index and the substantial increase in gas consumption, gas safety will face greater pressure and challenges, and the gas safety situation is severe and complex.

The meeting emphasized that

should deeply learn from the lessons of recent gas accidents, further unify thoughts and actions, concentrate on quickly carrying out the "100-day action" on gas safety, take resolute and powerful measures to reverse the trend of accidents as soon as possible, and meet the party's leadership with practical actions The twentieth victory was held. The

meeting emphasized that should unify thoughts and actions and immediately launch the "100-day action" on gas safety.

We must effectively improve our political position , unify our thoughts and actions to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions, deeply understand the importance and urgency of gas safety work, solidly carry out the "100-day action" on gas safety, and reverse the situation as soon as possible The accident-prone passive situation makes due contributions to maintaining the "three environments".

It is necessary to organize a centralized action . This action is under the unified leadership of the local party committee and government and the security committee. The relevant departments such as housing construction, market, commerce, public security, transportation, and fire protection have fully mobilized their forces, clarified the responsibilities of each department, and centralized Carry out unified action. We will implement the rectification work in detail, focus on giving full play to the role of experts, and organize working groups to carry out tasks and responsibilities.

We must focus on public safety and rectify , keep an eye on public places, conduct comprehensive inspections of restaurants, commercial and residential complexes, farmer's markets, schools and hospitals that use gas, and focus on checking gas pipelines for pressure occupancy, passage through confined spaces, unauthorized modifications, etc. Problems; keep a close eye on key links, severely crack down on illegal filling, illegal storage and "black gas bottles" and "black gas" in densely populated places such as residential areas, focusing on cracking down on the "underground market" for the production and sales of gas stoves, gas alarms etc.; keep a close eye on outstanding problems, and strictly investigate and deal with illegal subcontracting and illegal subcontracting of gas new construction and renovation projects, employees working without certificates, illegal operations, and brutal construction outside the gas pipeline network.

We must be confident and strict in enforcing the law . This operation strictly implements the "Five Firms", that is, those who do not install gas leak alarms in catering establishments that use gas will be punished in accordance with the law; those who have major hidden dangers and do not meet safety conditions will be punished resolutely. Catering establishments must resolutely stop using gas in accordance with regulations and implement safety precautions; resolutely and severely crack down on gas companies that do not odorize as required or supply gas in violation of regulations; resolutely and strictly crack down on accidents caused by gas companies not carefully inspecting homes. We will pursue the relevant responsibilities of gas companies; if the gas companies do not meet the market access conditions and still do not meet the legal conditions after rectification, we will resolutely clear out the gas market in accordance with the law.

It is necessary to strengthen publicity, education and corporate services , carry out regular gas safety publicity, mobilize streets and communities to strengthen door-to-door publicity and reminders, urge gas users to make commitments to operate according to regulations and use gas safely, and organize gas companies to carry out inspections on catering during the operation. When commercial users conduct a centralized home security inspection, central enterprises and state-owned enterprises that carry out gas operations must take the lead and set an example.

meeting requirements, pay close attention to the implementation of work to ensure tangible results.

It is necessary to strengthen supervision and inspection . Leaders of local party committees, governments and security committees must conduct in-depth field inspections at the grassroots level and coordinate and solve work problems in a timely manner. All relevant departments should adopt various methods to conduct supervision and inspection to comprehensively investigate potential risks. Safety committee offices at all levels must follow up and supervise the entire process to promote in-depth work. The State Council Security Committee will soon send a supervision team to various places for supervision and inspection.

It is necessary to strengthen dispatch reporting , comprehensively use notifications, interviews and other methods to promote work implementation, timely sum up experience and practices, and promote overall improvement from point to area.

We must seriously hold accountable . For gas casualty accidents that occurred during the operation, we must thoroughly investigate the causes of the accidents in accordance with laws and regulations, and investigate the main responsibilities of the enterprise and the regulatory responsibilities of the departments.

At the same time, we will continue to carry out in-depth inspection and rectification of urban gas safety across the country, accelerate the renewal and reconstruction of old gas pipelines according to the degree of safety risks, and actively promote the application of advanced technology and equipment, the construction of monitoring and early warning systems, the training of professional talents, and the construction and operation of urban supervision centers, etc. Basic and source work will focus on fundamentally eliminating hidden dangers of accidents, fundamentally solving problems, and comprehensively improving the intrinsic safety level of gas.

Song Yuanming, Member of the Party Committee and Vice Minister of the Ministry of Emergency Management, and Qiong Se, Member of the Party Committee and Director of the Fire Rescue Bureau attended the meeting. Responsible comrades of the safety committees of Shandong Province, Tianjin City and Hebei Province made speeches at the meeting. The heads of relevant departments and bureaus from the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and the State Administration for Market Regulation attended the meeting at the main venue. The persons in charge of gas work from the safety committees of various provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), Relevant heads of member units, main heads of local gas companies, and heads of relevant central enterprises attended the meeting at the branch venue.

Source: Decision-making Magazine Comprehensive Emergency Management Department website

Column Editor: Gu Wanquan Text editor: Cheng Pei Source of title picture: Tu Chong Picture editor: Da Xi

Source: Author: Decision-making Magazine