Hundreds of people celebrated and attended events across the Maritimes on Friday, many eager to return to lively in-person celebrations post-pandemic. Felicia Holden and her eight-year-old son, Jaxson, were attending an event on the waterfront in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, when the in

Since the epidemic, the shortage of medical resources has continued to worsen! Previously, the waiting time for emergency rooms was getting longer and longer, which also caused countless complaints!

During this long weekend, a mother had to drive her fainted son to the hospital because of a shortage of medical resources and a delay in the arrival of ambulances!

A Nova Scotia mother said she had to drive her son to the hospital on Canada Day because no ambulance showed up after waiting for more than 40 minutes.

Hundreds of people celebrated and attended events across the Maritimes on Friday, many eager to return to lively in-person celebrations post-pandemic. Felicia Holden and her eight-year-old son, Jaxson, were attending an event on the waterfront in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, when the incident occurred.

(Photo source: CTV News)

Jaxson was playing in an inflatable castle that is popular with children! His mother Holden told reporters: "He walked into the inflatable castle very quickly, but when he walked out he was pale. Jaxson said he felt uncomfortable and dizzy. We planned to take him home, but he didn't take two steps." He fainted! And he fainted twice!”

The child’s parents were so frightened that they immediately called 911! But the rescue was delayed!

Holden said: "We waited on the waterfront for over 40 minutes and then drove Jaxson to the hospital ourselves, where we waited for another 45 minutes before the ambulance crew arrived."

Holden said she was later told there were no ambulances in the area. She said the nearest ambulance was in Pictou, more than an hour away. : "When paramedics came to the hospital they did explain and said they were sorry. One paramedic said she had begged the ambulance to stay in Wallace so at least there would be one on the nearby shore , but they were unwilling to stay there. They sent an ambulance to Pictou. (Image: CTV News)

In an email to CTV News, Emergency Health Services said the family attended. The event is one of several taking place in communities across the province on Canada Day, which puts additional pressure on the province's emergency response resources, which EHS operations are playing a role in working closely with their health care and government partners to find. approach to address these issues, and some changes have been made in recent months to that end."

Despite the explanation, Holden still felt there should have been an ambulance in town during that time. Because there were hundreds of people in Pugwash at the time, if something unexpected happened, the consequences would be disastrous!

Holden said luckily a nurse happened to be in the area at the time and was there to help and keep the family calm.

Currently, the entire Canada is facing a shortage of medical resources!

Vancouver Coastal Health says 'temporary' service gap affecting services in early July

Pregnant women in the Sea to Sky region may be transferred to Metro Vancouver hospitals this month due to staffing issues at Squamish General Hospital. Those in labor may be sent to Lions Gate Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital, BC Women's Hospital or Richmond Hospital.

(Photo source: CBC)

The shortage of medical resources has sounded the alarm for parents! Summer has arrived, which is a great season for parents to take their children to travel. The arrival of summer increases the opportunities for children to travel! Although a series of activities such as camping, hiking, going to the beach, and swimming are full of fun, they also increase the risk of injury to children!

Outdoors, especially in remote areas such as forests and seasides, you may also face the problem of insufficient medical resources and the inability of emergency vehicles to arrive as soon as possible. In order to avoid the recurrence of Holden and Jaxson's problems, parents should prepare first aid kits in advance. !

Whether out and about at home, having an up-to-date complete first aid kit is essential and can save lives in serious situations.

Life is unpredictable and accidents do happen, so it is always good to have a first aid kit on hand. Whether it's a cut, sprain, or burn, having a first aid kit is the first line of defense and can help prevent further injury or illness.

What should be in your first aid kit?

A basic first aid kit should include the following essentials:

  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Plasters, which come in various sizes
  • Sterile dressings
  • Bandages
  • Safety pins
  • Microporous tape
  • Medical scissors and tweezers
  • Disposable gloves
  • First aid manual

Some may also include Other items such as thermometers, foil blankets, eyewash /body wash. If you are traveling a long distance, you may also consider bringing painkillers or cold medicines, etc.!