This year marks the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The Liannan Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervisory Committee recently carried out pairing activities with the general party branch of Yaolong Village, Guoshui Town to celebrat

This year marks the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The Liannan Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Supervisory Committee recently carried out pairing activities with the general party branch of Yaolong Village, Guoshui Town to celebrate the "July 1" themed party day. They attended party classes and held fun sports games together in Yaolong Village. , celebrate the party’s birthday together. All party members and cadres of the Party Branch of the Liannan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the Party Branch of the County Party Committee Inspection Office, and the Third Inspection Guidance and Supervision Group of the Municipal Party Committee participated in the event.

He Jiping, member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, Secretary of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the County Supervisory Committee, led all party members to review the oath to join the Party and gave a party class with the theme of studying the spirit of the 13th Provincial Party Congress. He Jiping said that Yaolong Village should base on ecological priority and characteristic development to expand and strengthen the tea industry project. The County Commission for Discipline Inspection will fully promote the healthy development of Yaolong Village's rural revitalization project. He requested that all party members should quickly integrate their thoughts and actions into the decisions and arrangements of the Provincial Party Congress, consciously integrate the spirit of the Provincial Party Congress into all aspects of daily work, proactively adapt to the new era, new developments and new requirements, and meet the new requirements with solid work results. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held.

In the fun sports meeting that followed, all party members actively participated and laughed constantly. The tug-of-war and basketball games are exciting and exciting. They are not only fierce in competitive competition and physical competition, but also full of fun in mutual assistance, cooperation, and friendly exchanges. The athletes fight hard on the court, and cheers and cheers from the cheerleaders on the sidelines are heard one after another. The atmosphere is very warm. .

All party members actively participated in the fun sports meeting. Photo provided by correspondent

He Jiping said that holding this event aims to further stimulate the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party organizations, enhance the awareness of party members and cadres to participate, activate and enrich the cultural life of party members and cadres, and at the same time enhance the unit's The contact and communication among them will make every effort to enhance the spirit of the cadre team.

[Reporter] Huangjin

[Correspondent] Nan Jixuan

[Author] Huangjin

[Source] Southern Newspaper Media Group Southern + Client