As we all know, Finland and Sweden have always pursued a policy of military non-alignment and have maintained a neutral attitude on many international issues. However, since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Finland and Sweden have begun to waver from their previously

As we all know, Finland and Sweden have always pursued a policy of military non-alignment and have maintained a neutral attitude on many international issues. However, since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Finland and Sweden have begun to oppose their previous insistence. The policy wavered and applied to join NATO .

According to reports, Turkey , a member state that previously disagreed with Finland and Sweden joining NATO, has recently changed its attitude and agreed to the applications of the two countries. Finland and Sweden have also formally submitted applications to NATO for membership.

Now NATO expresses its great welcome to Finland and Sweden to join. NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg also said that this is a historic moment. After Finland and Sweden officially become NATO members, it illustrates NATO’s Its strength has been further expanded, which is not good news for Russia.

In this regard, Russian President Putin also drew a red line against Finland and Sweden.

According to Global Network , the Russian President once said that there is no problem for the two countries to join NATO, but if they dare to deploy troops or military infrastructure, then Russia will definitely take retaliatory measures.

Because there is a long border between Finland and Russia, if they join NATO, it will definitely pose a potential threat to Russia. However, formally joining NATO requires the unanimous consent of 30 member states, and it will take a while. process, Putin’s warning is also to inoculate them and let them know the pros and cons of things.

According to reports, Finnish President Niinisto said at a press conference that Finland and Sweden will be able to sign the protocol to join NATO in July at the latest.

According to the process of joining NATO, the protocol will be sent to each NATO member state for approval, which will take nearly several months to complete. It is reported that NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg has previously stated that Finland and Sweden will join NATO is sending a message to Russian President Vladimir Putin that NATO will continue to open its doors to new members.

Today's international situation is unpredictable. It is not wrong for Sweden and Finland to seek refuge in a powerful alliance to seek protection for themselves. However, judging from NATO's dealings with Ukraine and Afghanistan , NATO has not provided them with Sufficient protection just keeps stoking the fire and deepening the contradictions.

NATO has always followed the principle of putting interests first and uses various means to suppress Russia. Any country can become a pawn and bargaining chip in the hands of NATO. Now there are many countries that do not want to listen to the mercy of NATO and want to leave NATO.

As time goes by, more countries will surely see the true face of NATO, and any behavior that causes geopolitical conflicts will be despised. Reference source for some information on

: Global Network

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