Red Net Moment News, July 2 (Correspondent Huang Lelin) On July 1, the Tianyuan District Health and Health Bureau Party Committee organized more than 60 party branch secretaries, party building officials and party members of the bureau to carry out the "Happy Day" in a special wa

Red Net Moment News on July 2nd (Correspondent Huang Lelin) On July 1st, the Tianyuan District Health and Health Bureau Party Committee organized more than 60 party branch secretaries, party building experts and party members of the bureau to carry out activities in a special way. "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and forging ahead on a new journey" event to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party.

First of all, a conference on promoting key work tasks of grassroots party building and party building business training was held. At the meeting, arrangements were made for the key tasks of grassroots party building in the district's health care system in 2022 and party building-related business training was conducted. Wang Jianhuai, Secretary of the Party Committee of the

Bureau, emphasized that convening a grassroots party building key task promotion meeting on July 1 is of special significance. We should take this as an opportunity to build on the past and forge ahead in the new district at the beginning of the party's second centenary. In health work, guard the gate and stand guard for the health of the people in the new district, and present a gift to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results!

Next, the grassroots party branch secretary, party building experts and all party members of the bureau came to the former residence of Yang Dezhi, and reviewed the oath of joining the party under the leadership of Wang Jianhuai, secretary of the bureau party committee.

Afterwards, everyone visited the former residence of Yang Dezhi and the Lukou Museum. By visiting the former residence of Yang Dezhi, party members and cadres expressed their deep memory and high respect for the general. They all expressed their desire to learn from General Yang Dezhi's lofty spirit of hard work and selfless dedication, and were determined to continuously strengthen their self-cultivation in future work and strictly implement integrity and self-discipline Various regulations truly put the responsibility of serving people's health on our shoulders, keep the mission of promoting development in mind, and strive to write a new chapter in building a modern new country.

It is reported that the Tianyuan District Health System also carried out a series of "July 1" themed activities such as visits to express condolences and volunteer services.