The world's great wonders. In our opinion, only people can enter into marriage, but in foreign countries, there is always a popular traditional custom of tying the knot with animals. In their view, this symbolizes a special meaning. In India, there are people who "intermarry" wit

The world is so big that there are many wonders. In our opinion, only people can enter into marriage, but in foreign countries, there is always a popular traditional custom of tying the knot with animals. In their view, this symbolizes a special meaning.

In India, there are people who "intermarry" with dogs, cows, pigs, camels and other animals. In some remote towns in Mexico , there has been a custom of marrying crocodiles. Is there any reason between them?

According to online media reports, on June 30, the mayor of a certain place in Mexico held a grand wedding with a small crocodile. During the symphony, the mayor carried the "bride" crocodile in a white wedding dress into the wedding hall. Amidst the cheers of the crowd, the mayor bent down and kissed this special "bride".

So why is the tradition of "marrying" a crocodile spread in Mexico?

It is understood that this is a remote town in Mexico, and the economy is not that developed. Their economic income mainly relies on fishing and agriculture, and marrying crocodiles is a tradition that continues locally. Marrying a crocodile is just to pray to nature for good weather in the coming year, a good harvest, and safe fishing.

However, in order to avoid being bitten by the crocodile, its mouth was tied with a rope in advance. The crocodile that got married to the town mayor was regarded by the locals as a god and hoped to be protected by it.

Seeing this scene, some netizens complained: "Are you crazy for wanting to make money?" I was thinking that Indian Asan would not agree.

The impression that India gives us is that it is dirty, messy and poor. But in India, there are countless examples of intermarriage with animals.

In some parts of India, both men and women have intermarriage with dogs, pigs, cows and other animals. There is such a custom among them. In their eyes, from the time a child is born, the villagers think that her (his) arrival will only bring bad luck to the villagers. When he grows up, if he is with When a person gets married, it will bring bad luck to others. In order to divert this "bad omen", when they reach adulthood, they will be forced to arrange intermarriage with animals by the village elders. After they marry an animal, they must treat the animal well and give it a generous burial until the animal dies. This misfortune will not end until the animal dies.

This kind of cross-racial marriage is really puzzling. But I feel sad because I have to endure all this because I believe in superstition.

In addition to marrying an animal, what is even more surprising is that the news of a man's divorce in Indonesia a few days ago alarmed the local media. He actually divorced a rice cooker, and he got divorced after only 4 days of marriage. Faced with complaints from netizens, the man stood up and said: "My wife is fair-skinned, reasonable, obedient, full of love, and good at cooking..." Could it be that Does he really not like the fair-skinned and obedient bride who can cook?

When you see these weird things, you may laugh and find it incredible, but they do exist and happen locally. The reasons behind this are poverty, superstition, and backward education. It’s really sad.
