Speaking of prophets, do you know who is the most famous prophet in the world in modern times? I believe many people will say it’s Anand, yes! Yes, in terms of popularity, Indian prodigy Anand is undoubtedly the first. He became popular because he predicted the outbreak of the ep

Speaking of prophets, do you know who is the most famous prophet in the world in modern times? I believe many people will say it’s Anand, yes! Yes, in terms of popularity, Indian prodigy Anand is undoubtedly the first. He became popular because he predicted the outbreak of the epidemic.

At the beginning, people only thought that he was a blind cat who met a dead mouse , but in the next few years, the Indian prodigy Anand would predict the success of several things from time to time, such as: Ukraine and Russia. Conflicts, earthquakes in Japan and more!

It is precisely because of these predictions that the Indian prodigy Anand has always been very popular. For 2022, Anand also has his own predictions and uploaded a new video a few days ago. ’s prediction this time In the video, he made several more predictions, let’s take a look below.

This is the first economy. He said that this year, the global economy will be very chaotic. Many items will increase in price, causing inflation and causing economic instability. This will make many people uneasy, and this situation will continue. By around August, things will get better after that.

Second: Energy issues. Regarding this, he said that the global energy issues will become more serious this year. Whether it is natural gas , crude oil, petroleum or diesel, prices will rise crazily, but! This is not necessarily a good thing, because it will greatly promote the growth of renewable energy and green energy.

Third: Cryptocurrency. He said that cryptocurrency will experience a very gloomy day this year. This is when the bubble will really burst, but the trough is only temporary, so he advised people to be careful in this regard.

Fourth: Extreme weather. Regarding this, he said that the weather around the world will be very abnormal this year, including high temperatures, severe cold, heavy rains, tornadoes, etc.! All these will happen one by one this year and bring huge economic losses to people, and these are retributions for people's damage to the earth's environment.

Fifth: natural disasters . In this regard, he said that many disasters will occur this year, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and floods. These will become very frequent. He reminded people that they must protect the earth, otherwise such disasters will more and more.

Sixth: Global food crisis. He reminded people that the world will encounter a food crisis this year, especially in some backward areas in Africa. Large-scale famine will break out, while some developed areas will not encounter food problems, but they will. There is a shortage of fresh food, and most of the reasons for this are caused by some disaster.

Seventh: The epidemic, I believe everyone is most concerned about this. According to the Indian prodigy Anand, the epidemic will not disappear this year, but it will ease in the second half of this year. By March and April next year, our lives will It will completely return to normal.

The above are the seven latest predictions made by Indian prodigy Anand for 2022. So are these predictions of his true? Can we trust what he says?

I personally don’t believe this. There are three reasons why I say this. The first is the accuracy of his language. As we have said before, he will make multiple languages ​​​​every year. Take 2020 Over the years, Anand has made no less than 100 predictions, but very few of these predictions have been successful, not even 10%. How can people believe such a low prediction rate?

The second thing is the prophecy itself. If they look at his predictions above, they can see that his prophecy information is not accurate at all. In my opinion, a real prophecy must at least have an accurate time and accurate location. Bar? But look at it, the prophecy on it only said what disaster would happen this year, and did not mention the time or place at all. In other words, the time and place he mentioned were very general, that is, the whole world.

Can these also be called prophecies? It seems that anyone who is not stupid can make it, and most of his successful predictions have this characteristic, so can this be believed?

Third: Anand himself, people say he is a child prodigy, but in my opinion he is a "prodigy". The reason why I say this is because some of his remarks are unacceptable to even educated people. He would say something like that, for example, in a speech he called on people: "Don't drink it with milk, because milk is junk food." Isn't this ridiculous?

The last is the prediction method he used, which is the traditional Indian astrology , Vedic astrology. According to records, predictions made using Vedic astrology have a characteristic, that is, they must be able to make predictions that are probable. The time, place, and solution are provided, but if you look at Anand’s prophecy, there is no such thing at all.

So to sum up, the predictions of the Indian prodigy Anand are not credible at all. They are all lies. I believe we must also believe in science, is good! Well, we are here today. I am Guanzhi. Friends who like it can like, follow, and leave messages to support it. Let’s see you next time.