On the "July 1st" Party Founding Day, Lingquan Street organized more than 70 cadres and workers to carry out voluntary tree planting activities at the boundary of Tianfang Village of Santaipu Village Committee, "Party members 'tree' pioneers, plant trees to add new greenery" to p

On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Kaiyuan various units and departments carefully organized a series of

1 celebration activities with distinctive themes and rich content

Relive the glorious history of the party

Praise the party's great achievements

Inspire the masses Party members and cadres

keep in mind their original aspiration and mission, strengthen their ideals and beliefs

and take practical actions to welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The voluntary tree planting activity of "Party members 'tree' pioneers, planting trees to add new greenery" was carried out at the boundary of Huitianfang Village to implement the concept of green development with practical actions and effectively promote the construction of ecological civilization.

The party flag was flying at the tree planting site. Under the leadership of party members and cadres, everyone picked up tools one after another and worked in groups of three or five people. They divided the work and cooperated with great enthusiasm. Some wielded shovels to shovel soil, some helped seedlings to fill holes... divided into groups. Carry out planting.

After more than three hours of hard work, more than 400 slash pine saplings stood in the wind. The new saplings planted by all the cadres and workers with enthusiasm, responsibility and hope not only added a touch of new green to the Kaiyuan land, He also “planted” the awareness of green protection in his heart.

Municipal non-public economic organizations

On the day of the July 1st Party Founding Day, the municipal non-public economic organizations jointly held a party committee to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "Two Priorities and One Priority" Commendation Conference.

At the meeting, Dai Honghui, an outstanding national party worker, led all party members and probationary party members to review the arduous history of the development and growth of the joint party committees of non-public economic organizations. She emphasized that this year is not only the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party, but also the 20th anniversary of the development and growth of the Kaiyuan City Non-Public Economic Organization Joint Party Committee from a branch to a party committee. She hopes that all party members will loyally support " two establish " and resolutely achieve " " two safeguard ", guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will not forget our original intention, keep our mission in mind, and forge ahead.

The conference also held a party oath-taking ceremony for 36 probationary party members, 20 outstanding Communist Party members, 10 outstanding party workers, 10 advanced grassroots party organizations, 19 Communist Party members operating with integrity, 6 most beautiful operating stores, 2 The "Most Beautiful Family" and two veteran comrades who have "glorified the Party for 50 years" presented certificates of honor, trophies, medals and commemorative medals.

Yunnan Yuntianhua Red Phosphorus Chemical Co., Ltd.

On June 30, Yunnan Yuntianhua Red Phosphorus Chemical Co., Ltd. launched a commemorative event to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party.

At the event site, the main person in charge of the company taught the employees a special party course on "Carrying forward the great party-building spirit and promoting the green and high-quality development of enterprises" based on the glorious history of the party and the party's great party-building spirit.

At the event, the company also issued honorary certificates and honorary plaques to 15 outstanding Communist Party members, 5 outstanding party workers and 3 advanced party branches to commend them for their hard work and mobilized all cadres and employees to follow their examples and forge ahead. Forge ahead, move forward courageously, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent business performance and an enterprising attitude!

Confess my original intention to the party

Wish the great party

Happy birthday!

Text and pictures | She Ju Pu Jian Guo Fuxiang Correspondent Huang Wei