In order to further deepen party members and cadres' understanding of party discipline and rules, and strictly abide by political disciplines and political rules, at 9:00 am on July 1, the Party Branch of Maoyanbao Town Central School held a special organizational life meeting on

Maintain the bottom line of law and discipline and change work style - Maoyanbao Town Central School Party Branch special organizational life meeting

In order to further deepen the understanding of party members and cadres about party discipline and rules, strictly abide by political disciplines and political rules , July 1 at 9 : 00, the Party branch of Maoyanbao Town Central School held a special organizational life meeting on "Maintaining the Bottom Line of Law and Discipline and Changing Work Style".

Before the meeting, Ge Shaoyong, secretary of the Party branch and principal of the Central School, led all party members to review the oath of joining the party, keep in mind the purpose of the party, establish behavioral norms, and enhance ideals, beliefs and party spirit.

At the meeting, President Ge led everyone to further study the Party Constitution and Party Rules, and strengthen our firmness and persistence in fully and strictly governing the Party. It is emphasized that all party members, cadres and teachers must maintain the bottom line of discipline and law and change their work style. At the same time, combined with the actual situation of our central school, the speech "Being a cadre must have "a few brushes"" was shared, emphasizing that leading cadres in the new era must be compound talents, multi-specialized and versatile, and only have "a brush" " is not enough. We must have "a few brushes" or even "multiple brushes" to be the best. We must always have the "big one in the country" in mind, practice the new development concept as it is, and truly lead Have a good team, truly grasp the situation and issues, and implement decisions and arrangements in a down-to-earth manner.

Subsequently, school-level inspector Liu Zhenguo made a statement. He said that all party members and cadres should summarize the achievements, understand the situation clearly, and further enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency in doing a good job in school inspection. Supervise in accordance with the law and comprehensively promote the healthy development of education in our central school.

The convening of this organizational life meeting has consolidated the foundation of party building work and improved the cohesion of the party organization. All party members of the Party Branch of Maoyanbao Central School will use practical actions to fulfill their commitments to the party and contribute to the branch's construction work and school education. Make unremitting efforts to develop your career.