Zhou Yanfei, deputy governor, party secretary and director of the State Public Security Bureau, delivered a speech. More than 310 people, including members of the party committee of the state public security bureau, representatives of retired veteran cadres, and all party members

Red Net Moment News July 2 (Correspondent Ding Dan, Zhang Hongjun and Li Ying) On the afternoon of July 1, the Xiangxi Prefecture Public Security Bureau held a series of activities to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and Escorting the New Journey". Through the "Two Excellences and One First" commendation, review of the oath of joining the Party, singing competitions, knowledge Q&A and other links, we will give full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the pioneering and exemplary role of Party members, and further strengthen the majority of police and auxiliary police officers to "feel the Party" The determination and confidence of "be kind, listen to the Party, and follow the Party" has gathered the powerful force of the Party's 20th National Congress for security and stability maintenance.

Zhou Yanfei, deputy governor, party secretary and director of the State Public Security Bureau, delivered a speech. More than 310 people, including members of the party committee of the state public security bureau, representatives of retired veteran cadres, and all party members of the bureau, participated in the event. Zhang Jie, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and executive deputy director of the State Public Security Bureau, presided over the event.

Zhou Yanfei pointed out that revolutionary songs are precious spiritual wealth for the whole party and the people, and contain the majestic power of the great party-building spirit. Poetry is a shining pearl that bursts out from great ideals and beliefs. It is full of our deep feelings for the party and the people, tells vivid stories of communists, and condenses a strong belief in always following the party. The belief of Xiangxi public security personnel is absolute loyalty to the party, which is the forward force for the civilian auxiliary police to fulfill their sacred mission. We should let the Party hear our voices by singing revolutionary songs; we should send birthday wishes to the Party by reading poems.

The event kicked off with the solemn singing of the "National Anthem of the People's Republic of China". Accompanied by the passionate music, the commended comrades walked onto the stage one by one to receive their certificates of honor. Applause broke out at the scene, which was filled with a strong atmosphere of learning from the advanced and paying tribute to the role models. All party members reviewed the oath of joining the party under the leadership of Zhou Yanfei.

The singing competition officially started when the bureau party committee team recited the poem "Take the Flag". The 10 participating teams took the stage one by one with full enthusiasm, strict police appearance, combined with the actual situation of public security work and their own position characteristics, and used the loudest singing voice , expressing his infinite love for the party, the motherland, the people, and the public security cause. The whole game was brilliant and won rounds of applause.

At the end of the event, all the civilian auxiliary police stood up and played the "Chinese People's Police Police Song". Everyone expressed that they must always keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's general requirements of "loyalty to the party, serving the people, fair law enforcement, and strict discipline", safeguard political security, social stability, and people's tranquility, and write the glory of "a small village is not low, but the times are high" , to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions and outstanding achievements.

The event invited Zhong Liwen, deputy director of the Organization Department of the state party committee, Zhang Heshun, deputy director of the propaganda department of the state party committee, Teng Chaohui, executive deputy secretary of the political and legal committee of the state party committee, and Quan Dongcheng, deputy secretary of the state working committee, for on-site observation and guidance.