On June 30, the Qingshan Lake District General Branch of the Democratic National Construction Association held a special study meeting on the spirit of the 10th Jiangxi Provincial Congress of the Democratic National Construction Association at the home of the general branch membe

On June 30, the Qingshan Lake District General Branch of the Democratic National Construction Association held a special study meeting on the spirit of the 10th Jiangxi Provincial Congress of the Democratic National Construction Association at the general branch member's home. Zheng Jianhui, deputy chairman of the Democratic National Construction Association Municipal Committee and chairman of the Qingshan Lake District General Branch, presided over the meeting. General branch committee members and some key members attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and learned the spirit of the speeches of Chen Wenhua, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Democratic National Construction Association, Liang Gui, Member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China and Executive Vice Governor, Peng Shidong, Vice Minister in charge of daily work of the United Front Work Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Vice Governor of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government. , Provincial Democratic National Construction Association Chairman Sun Jusheng’s work report at the conference.

The meeting required that the general branch should conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 10th Jiangxi Provincial Congress of the Democratic National Construction Association, and effectively unify thoughts and actions to the deployment requirements of the conference. It is necessary to combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the congress with the in-depth promotion of the political handover theme education of "unswervingly following the party and forging ahead hand in hand for the new era", continuously improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and do " two established "loyal supporter. It is necessary to combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the conference with the comprehensive promotion of grassroots organization construction, actively implement the "four new" and "three good" requirements, continue to learn from strengthening the "five major constructions" and improve the "five abilities", and strive to build the general branch into a It is a grassroots organization of the socialist participating party with political firmness, solid organization, effective performance of duties, excellent work style and sound system. It is necessary to combine the study and implementation of the spirit of the conference with high-quality performance of duties, focus on promoting the construction of "Six Jiangxi", strengthening the provincial capital strategy and deepening reform and development of the dual "No. 1 Project", giving full play to the characteristics of the Democratic National Construction Association's close ties with the economic community and advantages, identify the entry point, combination point, and focus of the performance of duties, carry out in-depth investigation and research, strive to provide high-quality advice and advice on government affairs, carry out democratic supervision with high efficiency, participate in political consultation at a high level, and work together to write a comprehensive construction of socialist modernization Jiangxi made a positive contribution to the wonderful chapter and took practical actions to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.