Lithuania is a country that only has the light of fireflies but always wants to burn itself as firewood. It is a typical example of a country that has no idea but also loves to be confused. Not only did it have no reason to offend China on the Taiwan Strait issue, but now it is g

Lithuania This country has only the light of fireflies but always wants to burn itself as firewood. It is a typical example of a country that has a lot of things in its mind and loves to be stupid. Not only did it have no reason to offend China on the Taiwan Strait issue, but now it is going to death to offend its strong neighbor Russia, for fear that it will not do it fast enough. At the end of last month, Lithuania suddenly announced a blockade of Kaliningrad and restricted the transit of Russian goods.

Although Lithuania is using the banner of EU , Russia, which is trapped in the battlefield in Ukraine, still responded quickly and announced a variety of countermeasures, including using force to open up land transportation from Russia to Kaliningrad. Line etc. Judging from the reaction in Moscow, the Russians are obviously ready to take action, and the signals sent in private may only be clearer than on the stage.

A war in Ukraine has already cost the whole of Europe a heavy price. If another war breaks out in the Baltic Sea , the impact on Europe will be absolutely fatal. After all, Lithuania is not only a member of the European Union, but also a member of NATO . Once a conflict breaks out between this kind of country with dual identities and Russia, Europe will inevitably be involved.

When a war breaks out between NATO and Russia, the most optimistic outcome may be a world war that will destroy Europe. Precisely because it senses the danger, the EU, while speaking tough words, is actually putting pressure on Lithuania in private. According to a report by Observer Network on July 1, multiple sources revealed to Reuters : The dispute between Lithuania and Russia regarding the transit of goods is expected to be resolved in the next few days.

is worried that Lithuania’s unilateral actions will lead Moscow to use force against the Baltic countries. EU officials, backed by Germany, are looking forward to reaching a deal with Lithuania to resolve tensions between the country and Russia. Because it is difficult for the EU to insist on sanctions against Russia and at the same time bear the cost of conflicts with Russia, or even incidents of gunfire.

Although European countries are supporting and Ukraine , no one wants to be affected by the war. To this end, the EU proposed to set a precondition for lifting the Kaliningrad blockade without violating sanctions against Russia, that is, "goods allowed to be transported are limited to use in Kaliningrad and cannot be diverted to other places through Baltic Sea ports." It can be regarded as a step down.

In other words, the EU has excluded Kaliningrad from its sanctions against Russia in disguise, so that it is no longer subject to the EU's sanctions against Russia. This is exactly the same as the EU's previous sanctions against Russia that continued to "open the back door". For example, after the announcement of an oil embargo against Russia, the scope of the sanctions was limited to petroleum products transported by ships, and did not include oil transported to EU countries through pipelines.

It’s no wonder, because the EU cannot afford to completely decouple from Russia’s energy supply, let alone the serious consequences of a direct conflict with Russia. Therefore, they can only adopt a compromise approach on the issue of transit transportation in Kaliningrad and resolve the dispute between Lithuania and Russia by detaching Kaliningrad from EU sanctions against Russia.

The reason why Lithuania cut off some transit transportation of materials from Russia to Kaliningrad was ostensibly to "fulfill the EU's responsibilities of sanctions against Russia", but in fact it was the result of manipulation by the United States behind the scenes. Therefore, even after the EU repeatedly stated that it would resolve disputes through diplomacy, Lithuania still took a tough stance, causing the Kaliningrad crisis to remain high.

The EU's above-mentioned statement is actually telling Lithuania that we will not take the blame, in order to force Lithuania to compromise. Bloomberg recently claimed that some Western countries are worried that the EU will pressure Lithuania to stop its blockade of Kaliningrad in order to avoid falling out with Russia. Doing so will allow some "prohibited goods" to enter Kaliningrad through Lithuania. .

To be sure, some of the Western countries mentioned by Bloomberg are mainly the United States and the United Kingdom. The EU did not pay attention to this, but warned Lithuania through the media: "Kaliningrad is sacred to Russia, and Putin has greater influence than the EU."Therefore, the EU must find a compromise method, even if this method may not be fair to Lithuania."

From this, it can be seen that the EU's tone towards Lithuania is no longer a consultation, but more like an order. There is news Sources said: "The parties are expected to reach a relevant agreement before July 10, and it will be announced as soon as next week." Obviously, although some EU countries have been manipulated by Washington, they are not completely unconscious and are unwilling to roll up their hands for Lithuania.

Now it seems that Lithuania does not have much choice. Although it has the support of the United States, the EU is its biggest financial sponsor. We have only seen the dog wagging its tail. The EU is a dog, and Lithuania may be just a hair on the dog's tail. Dogs can definitely pluck out their hair when necessary
