On July 1, the People's Procuratorate of Luochuan County held a special study seminar on the implementation of the spirit of Chief Prosecutor Wang Xuguang's speech at the face-to-face meeting on procuratorial supervision of the province's procuratorial organs ("Three Haves" speci

On July 1, the People's Procuratorate of Luochuan County held a special study seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the speech made by Chief Prosecutor Wang Xuguang at the face-to-face meeting on procuratorial supervision of the province's procuratorial organs (the "Three Haves" Striving for Innovation) meeting, to further improve the "Three Haves" "Strive to make arrangements and deploy the work. The meeting was chaired by Guan Xiangsheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Prosecutor, and attended by all police officers.

At the meeting, the spirit of Prosecutor General Wang Xuguang’s speech was conveyed and learned. Members of the party group and heads of departments and offices conducted in-depth discussions around the spirit of Prosecutor General Wang Xuguang’s speech. They drew inferences from their actual work, identified existing problems, and proposed further improvement measures. Everyone agreed that the relationship between "grasping the times and trends," "grasping change and stability," and "grasping stability and progress" required by Prosecutor General Wang Xuguang is not only a work requirement, but also a work idea and a working method. We must closely focus on The Provincial Court's "Three Ones" and the Municipal Court's "Two Grasps and Three Promotions" work ideas use the "three relationships" to guide the "three haves" to strive for efficient and in-depth advancement of the work, and strive to use its own high-quality development to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work .

Guan Xiangsheng put forward specific requirements to implement the spirit of Prosecutor General Wang Xuguang’s speech, further improve the “three haves” work, and put forward specific requirements:

First, we must conscientiously study and understand the spirit of Prosecutor General Wang Xuguang’s speech. We must emancipate our minds and adapt to the new requirements of procuratorial work in the new era and new stage. Profoundly analyze the changes in the current situation, accurately understand the new needs of the people for procuratorial work, adhere to the deep integration of politics and business, and plan Luochuan procuratorial work with a new position and new pattern. It is necessary to find the correct positioning and comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of procuratorial work. Deeply implement the spirit of Zhongfa No. 28, Shaanxi Fa No. 6 and the 14th Provincial Party Congress, implement the "three haves" and strive to achieve the overall requirements, deeply understand the core essence and profound connotation of the "three relationships", and break the "city wall" "Thinking" to accurately perform duties, create a better quality and efficient Luochuan procuratorial brand, and enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security. We must work hard and be brave in innovation to provide inexhaustible impetus for the high-quality development of procuratorial work. Forge a procuratorate team that is willing to do things, has the courage to do things, and is capable of accomplishing things. They will lead by example and dare to take on their responsibilities. They will serve to ensure the "three haves" with higher political consciousness, legal consciousness, and procuratorial self-consciousness, and embody the spirit of serving the overall situation and serving the people's justice. Prosecutorial Responsible.

The second is to adhere to a problem-oriented approach and coordinate current work and annual work goals. conducts in-depth research on the new situations, new difficulties, and new problems under the new normal, conducts in-depth searches for gaps, weaknesses, and outstanding issues in procuratorial work, prescribes the right medicine, and does a good job with determination and courage that cannot sit still or wait. All departments and offices should use the weekly regular meetings to have in-depth exchanges and discussions based on the spirit of Prosecutor General Wang Xuguang's speech, combine their own tasks and positive and negative assessment lists, dynamically analyze the progress of work, and actually talk about what is lacking, how to do it, and who will do it, and do everything well. A small case, implement the spirit of the speech into the actual work, and create a procuratorial brand with Luochuan characteristics.

The third is to refine the work requirements and plan the "second half" of high-quality development. pays close attention to the completion of 60 core business data and 31 case-handling quality and efficiency in the first half of the year, re-analyzes and improves the full-year work plan formulated at the beginning of the year, adheres to the project management model, and promotes the party's political construction, functional performance and self-construction in an integrated manner , to achieve the goals and tasks of moving the work throughout the year to a new level.

The fourth is to increase publicity efforts and create a strong "three haves" publicity atmosphere. Focusing on the "Year of Quality Construction", uses the new media studio as a matrix to enrich the content of the "Three Haves" striving for innovation, explore the highlights of the "Three Haves" striving for innovation, launch a series of interviews with various departments, adopt flexible and diverse forms, and vigorously publicize Typical cases, high-quality courses and role models have emerged in the "Three Haves" striving for innovation, and we will make every effort to promote the "Three Haves" striving for innovation activities to be deeper and more practical. (Jia Wenjuan)

Editor: Zhao Jiaxin

Editor in charge: Zheng Libo

Chief editor: Yao Qiming