Yang Meiling shared a ripe red pomegranate picked from a home garden in the United States. It weighs about 1 kilogram and looks very delicious and beautiful. The beautiful Yang Meiling's gardens are renowned for the care they take with her skilled hands. The garden was very large

Yang Meiling shared a ripe red pomegranate picked from an American home garden. It weighs about 1 kilogram and looks very delicious and beautiful.

Beautiful Yang Meiling's garden is famous for the careful care it takes with her skilled hands. The garden was very large, and Yang Meiling spent a lot of time taking care of it, planting all kinds of flowers and clean vegetables, especially fruit trees.

In that lush garden, the smiling beauty showed off the pomegranates that were about to be picked. The pomegranate tree bears numerous fruits, each weighing about 1 kilogram.

She said that she likes to drink pomegranate juice and like to give the results of her care to her friends, so she decided to take care of it. Now, as soon as the harvest comes, the beauty is excitedly enjoying the joy of watching the pomegranates hanging on the tree.

chose to live a peaceful life in the United States.

She grows various fruits and vegetables in her garden.

The pomegranates in the garden are ripe red.

has ripe and cracked fruits.

Yang Meiling often picks pomegranates to squeeze juice.

She also picked for friends.

The result after a season of care.

Yang Meiling not only grows pomegranates, she also grows longan, lemons, and lotus. The garden is always a place for her to watch, and it helps her balance her emotions every time she comes back.

She also often cuts flowers and arranges them in the garden.