On the occasion of the birthday of the "July 1" Party and the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, on the morning of July 1, the Wolong District Center for Disease Control and Prevention organized an educational activity with the theme of "Chinese Dream". The

The Wolong District Center for Disease Control and Prevention launched the 2022 " Chinese Dream " themed education activity

On the occasion of the July 1st Party's birthday and the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, on the morning of July 1, the Wolong District Center for Disease Control and Prevention organized An educational activity with the theme of "Chinese Dream" was carried out. The director of the District Health Commission and all party members and cadres of the center participated in the activity.

This event aims to encourage party members and cadres to grasp the current national situation, enhance their concept of party spirit, strengthen their awareness of purpose, rejuvenate their passion for work, play a pioneering and exemplary role, and consciously be at the forefront of realizing the party's historical mission and accelerating the development of disease control. Set an example.

The event began. Representatives of the party members of the center led everyone to celebrate the birthday of the party and express their best wishes for the party and the country by singing red songs and dramas.

Subsequently, the participants watched the "Convention to Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland and the Inauguration Ceremony of the Sixth Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region". The activity requires the majority of party members and cadres to strengthen theoretical study, firmly establish the " four consciousness ", strengthen the " four self-confidence ", resolutely achieve " two safeguards ", combine their own work, take the initiative to assume their responsibilities, Integrate one's own development into the great process of realizing the "Chinese Dream".

After the event, everyone expressed that they would make their due contribution to the realization of the "Chinese Dream" with firm confidence, a pragmatic attitude, and solid work in future work.

Source: Wolong District Center for Disease Control and Prevention