Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Sun Qiman Correspondent Yang Lujia Recently, the Party Branch of the Southern Branch of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau, the Party Branch of the Southern Institute of Design General Institute of China Construction Third E

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Sun Qiman Correspondent Yang Lujia

Recently, the Party Branch of the Southern Branch of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau, the Party Branch of the Southern Branch of the Design Institute of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau, and the Party Branch of the Southern Management Department of the Installation Company of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau carried out Party building, joint building and project co-building activities.

At the event, Zhou Xuefeng, Secretary of the Party Branch and General Manager of the Southern Management Department of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Installation Company, read out the joint construction plan, and the three parties signed a joint construction cooperation agreement. Based on the installation company's Southern Management Department project, the three parties will organize project design and construction exchange activities, use party building to promote business and development, help projects reduce costs and increase efficiency, and strive to build "complementary advantages, resource sharing, and mutual promotion of development" The new pattern of party building work.

Fan Zongchen, deputy secretary and deputy director of the Party Branch of the Southern Branch of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau, announced the establishment of a joint party member commando team and awarded the flag to the commando team. He encouraged the commandos to improve their stance, take the initiative, strengthen communication, and contribute to the high-quality development of .

Fan Zongchen put forward three requirements: First, take this joint construction activity as an opportunity to strengthen party building and business exchanges among the three parties; second, use party building to lead business development, actively promote design business and smart business, and jointly provide support services to the main business units. ; The third is to use the commando team as the starting point and rely on project cooperation to create valuable and distinctive high-quality projects.

It is reported that the three parties will take the joint construction of party building as an opportunity to deeply explore the integration of "Party Building +" into production and operations, continuously promote the improvement of electromechanical, smart construction, water environmental protection, BIM, and digital service levels, build high-quality projects in the southern region of the bureau, and welcome the meeting with excellent results The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held. (For more news information, please follow Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

source | Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng Pai

pictures | Interviewer provided

Editor | Pan Liang

Proofreading | Li Hongyu