The concept of BRICS emerged at the beginning of this century, pointing to major emerging market countries. It was launched in 2006 and currently consists of 5 countries, including: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, but covers 42% of the world's population, accountin

Everyone may focus on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and it has been somewhat neglected in other directions. In fact, there are many situations worth knowing about. For example: Argentina applies to join BRIC countries. On June 27, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova confirmed that Argentina had submitted an application to join the BRICS.


The concept of BRICS emerged at the beginning of this century, pointing to major emerging market countries. It was launched in 2006 and currently consists of 5 countries, including: Brazil , Russia, India, China and South Africa, but covers 42% of the world's population accounts for 24% of the world's GDP. Not long ago, China proposed that the BRICS countries are not a closed club and should advance the membership expansion process as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, some countries responded positively and publicly expressed their intention to join the BRICS, not only Iran, but also Argentina. On June 24, Argentine President Fernandez once said that the structure of the BRICS countries is In fairness, prestige will rise further, with Argentina eager to become a full member of the BRICS. Obviously, Argentina’s decision to join the BRICS in response to China’s call is a very gratifying one.

It stands to reason that Argentina is politically leaning towards the West and is considered a member of the Western camp. Now Argentina has changed its policy and is trying to move closer to the East. The most obvious manifestation is that Argentina is trying to introduce Xiaolong fighter jets. Not only does it want to buy them, but it also wants to become a Xiaolong fighter. Dragon agent promotes this fighter aircraft in South America. Now, as Argentina applies to join the BRICS, the settlement of Xiaolong has taken another step forward. This is not a simple business transaction, but a question of the direction of Argentina's policy.

Argentine President

Argentina is no longer willing to closely follow the West. This is the result of painful experience. Argentina has always followed Western policies. Not only has it failed to solve its own problems, but it has gradually declined from a developed country to a developing country. , is developing in a negative direction. Now we need to change our development strategy. Joining the BRIC countries is an important step.

Argentina has not yet joined the BRIC. It has only submitted an application to become a formal member. It still needs a process. This is British Prime Minister Johnson is anxious. There is no way. There is a conflict between Argentina and the United Kingdom, which is still difficult to resolve. The issue: the Falklands dispute. If Argentina joins the BRICS, it may have a good effect, allowing Argentina to get out of its economic difficulties and embark on the road of economic growth. This will be followed by an increase in Argentina's strength, which may cause a lot of damage to the UK, which is in the sunset. A threat that Johnson is unlikely to take lightly. The transaction of just one Xiaolong fighter jet may have an impact on the balance of power between Britain and Afghanistan.


At this time, Putin reminded to be careful about British ambitions. It turns out that on June 28, British Prime Minister Johnson made a statement that "if Putin were a woman, he would not launch military operations against Ukraine." Putin later responded: "I just want to draw attention to some events that have happened in modern history, Mrs. Thatcher decided to launch military action against Argentina for the Falkland Islands. "The so-called Falkland Islands are called 'Malvinas Islands' by Argentina. In 1982, a war broke out between Britain and Afghanistan over the sovereignty of the Falklands, and the war ended in British victory.

Now Putin reminds everyone: Britain has a history of sudden action. During the Falklands War, Britain decided to send troops. However, the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher strongly advocated. At that time, few people believed that Britain would decide to use force, that is, Say, never think that just because she is a woman, she will not do anything. Putin asked: "Where are the Falkland Islands? Where is the United Kingdom? This was completely driven by imperial ambitions. The United Kingdom wanted to prove its imperial status at that time."

NATO held another meeting

Although Putin's superficial intentions I just pointed out that the remarks made by the current British Prime Minister were not very appropriate, but it also reminded me to be careful of Johnson's ambitions.From the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, we can know that Johnson has no credibility. While shouting for peace, he instigated Russia and Ukraine to go to war. In terms of promoting the war, this man also took a lot of credit, no less than Biden . Who can believe that this guy doesn’t want to start a conflict?

Argentina has always followed the West. It was once one of the richest countries, but now it has plunged itself into national bankruptcy. There is nothing wrong with trying to change its destiny, but it also faces challenges, especially in today's world. Stability, there are too many unstable factors, and the United Kingdom has shown its provocative intentions. At the NATO summit, various remarks made people see only unrest, not peace and stability.

The turmoil in the external world may make people realize the value of peace more!