In order to better consolidate and expand the results of party history study and education, and enrich the content and form of branch party building activities, on July 1, the Party Branch of the Propaganda Department of the Honggu District Committee, the Party Branch of the Dist

[News from the Honggu District Media Center] In order to better consolidate and expand the results of party history learning and education, and enrich the content and form of branch party building activities, on July 1, the Party Branch of the Propaganda Department of the Honggu District Committee jointly organized the Party Branch of the District Armed Forces Department and the Party Branch of the District Veterans Affairs Bureau jointly visited the Party History Exhibition Hall of the Party School of the Honggu District Committee and launched a themed Party Day activity with a distinctive theme and special significance.

The theme party day activity kicked off with the three party branches reviewing the oath of joining the Party. In the lobby of Exhibition Hall No. 1, all party members stood solemnly and took the oath together with the oath-takers. In the powerful 80-word oath to join the party, everyone recalled their solemn commitment and firm determination when joining the party, and enhanced party members’ advanced awareness and party spirit.

Afterwards, everyone visited the four exhibition halls with the help of self-service explanation equipment. In the exhibition hall, by looking at photos, sculptures, texts, charts, and listening to audio explanations, you can gain an in-depth understanding of the glorious history of the Communist Party of China over the past century, and deeply appreciate the greatness of revolutionary martyrs and reform pioneers who are not afraid of sacrifice, selfless dedication, hardship, and struggle. Spirit and sentiment.

"I have visited the Party History Exhibition Hall before when carrying out branch activities. This time I visited and found that two new exhibition halls were added, namely 'Reform and Opening Up' and 'Forge ahead'. The four exhibition halls are arranged in chronological order, showing the development of our party. The important historical events in the process tell the story of our party's century-old history of struggle, from the bloody struggle before the founding of the People's Republic of China, to the exploration and development after the founding of the People's Republic of China, to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics after the reform and opening up, and to the development of socialism since the 18th National Congress. The arrival of a new era of building a country has made everyone more deeply aware of the spiritual power of our party. In the following work, all party members will continue to use practical actions to fulfill their oath to join the party, shoulder the mission and responsibilities shouldered by party members, and fulfill their mission. We must carry out publicity work with higher requirements and stricter standards to better demonstrate the new image of red ancient and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,” said Comrade Shi Chengying, a member of the Party Branch of the Propaganda Department of the District Committee.

Correspondent: Dang Shihua

Editor: Sun Yanan Xu Miao

Supervisor: Bao Zhen

Supervisor Producer: Zhang Fuwang