In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the party style, clean government construction and anti-corruption work conference of the Supreme Court, Provincial Court and Intermediate People's Court, on the morning of July 1, the Qingyuan County People's Court held the 202

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the Supreme Court , Provincial Court and Intermediate People's Court's Party Style and Integrity Construction and Anti-Corruption Work Conference, on the morning of July 1, the Qingyuan County People's Court held the 2022 Annual Party Style and Integrity Construction and Anti-Corruption Work Conference. The leader of the dispatched discipline inspection and supervision team attended the meeting, and the party secretary and president of the institute attended the meeting and delivered speeches.

At the meeting, the spirit of the plenary session of the Central, Provincial and Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the superior court’s anti-corruption work conference on party conduct and clean government was conveyed; the Liaoning District Court’s cases of violations of laws and disciplines in 2021 were notified; and the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection was notified of five recent cases of damage to the business environment. Typical cases, and learn "Ten Strict Prohibitions" for Political and Legal Police Officers in the New Era", "Six Catchments and Six Promotions" Project for the Construction of a Legalized Business Environment in Liaoning—Key Points of the Construction of a Legalized Business Environment in 2022" and "Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision" "Business Environment Supervision Action Plan", "Business Environment Supervision Action Task List of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Commission's dispatched agencies" and "Liaoning Political and Legal Police's "Ten Strict Prohibitions" to Optimize the Business Environment".

The leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team dispatched by the Qingyuan County Commission for Discipline Inspection put forward specific requirements for the county court’s party style and clean government construction and anti-corruption work in 2022.