In order to further clarify ideas and promote the work of getting rid of thins and taking the lead, on the morning of July 1, the Tongguan District Procuratorate held a promotion meeting for the work of "getting rid of thins and taking the lead" in conjunction with the Procurator

In order to further clarify the ideas and promote the work of getting rid of thins and strive to be the first, on the morning of July 1, the Tongguan District Procuratorate combined with the "July 1" special party class of the Procurator General, held a promotion meeting of the work of "striving to be the first to get rid of thins" to take stock of the work achievements and deficiencies in the first half of the year. , planning for the second half of the year to "get rid of the weak and strive for the first". The

meeting studied the spirit of the documents of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Provincial People's Court on the dynamic management of relatively weak grassroots hospitals; reported on the progress of the work of "getting rid of thins and striving to be the first" in the first half of the year; the heads of various departments made exchanges and speeches on "how can I get rid of thins and strive to be the first"? .

The meeting pointed out that

in the first half of the year, the Tongguan District Procuratorate focused on the key task of "getting rid of the thin and striving to be the first", formulated a work plan and target responsibility list through benchmarking, clarified work tasks, time nodes, and responsible departments, and carried out regular work scheduling to ensure that Through implementation, business indicator data has been improved, team quality and capabilities have been enhanced, management support levels have been improved, and we have taken a big step closer to the goal of getting rid of the weak and striving for the first place. But at the same time, there are also shortcomings and weaknesses such as the lack of awareness among police officers to compete for the lead, the inadequacy of the transformation of the concept of handling cases in the new era, the lack of outstanding work highlights and characteristics, and the insufficient stimulation of internal motivation, which need to be further improved and resolved.

The meeting emphasized that in the second half of the year, details will be given on how to promote the work of getting rid of thinners and strive to be the first.

First, we must further change our concepts, unify our thinking, and create a strong atmosphere of getting rid of thinners and strive to be the first.

All police officers must benchmark against advanced standards, regularly self-examine their work effectiveness, prevent self-satisfaction and self-admiration, constantly enhance their consciousness and sense of responsibility to take the initiative and actively create excellence, and strive to be promoters and contributors to get rid of poverty and strive for excellence, rather than being spectators. , lobbyists, and passers-by, devoted themselves to the work of getting rid of thinning and striving to be the first with an indomitable attitude of struggle.

Second, we must work together, resonate at the same frequency, and gather a powerful synergy to get rid of thinness and strive for the first place.

We insist that leading cadres take the lead in setting an example, and all police officers perform their duties, and drive at all levels to promote the ideological change from "I want to get rid of my weakness" to "I want to be first", change external assistance into proactive actions, and form a sustainable internal driving force. .

Thirdly, we must pay close attention to business, improve quality and efficiency, and lay a solid foundation for getting rid of weak points and striving to be the first.

Focused on the requirements of the "Quality Construction Year" of the Supreme Inspection Commission, we closely followed the business assessment indicators, implemented wall chart operations, dynamic benchmarking, and continued efforts to improve the assessment ranking; we focused on the requirements of the Municipal Institute to create "Exquisite Bronze Inspection" and focused on creating high-quality cases. , improve the quality and efficiency of case handling; highlight mechanism innovation, identify breakthrough points, work hard on excellence and innovation, and build a bronze prosecutor's work brand.

Fourth, we must improve our work style, enhance our capabilities, and enhance our ability to take the lead in taking the lead.

takes the municipal party committee's "Year of Style Construction and Improvement" as an opportunity and strictly implements the "Ten Prohibitions" and "Three Regulations" for political and legal police officers in the new era as a starting point to continuously promote the improvement of discipline and style to ensure that there are no problems in the team. Taking active duty performance as the starting point, we will strengthen business learning, practical training, and theoretical research, and do a good job in tempering skills to promote the improvement of both the practical ability and theoretical level of police officers.