In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Municipal Party Committee launched a red movie viewing activity of "Relive the Red Years and Continue the Red Bloodline" among retired cadres in the ci

The red heart always goes to the Party, and the light and shadow reflect the original intention. In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Municipal Party Committee launched a red movie viewing activity of "Relive the Red Years and Continue the Red Bloodline" among retired cadres in the city. On July 1, the launch ceremony and first movie viewing party of the Red Movie Watching Party was held at the Qihang Theater of the Municipal Veteran Cadre Service Center. Nearly 60 retired cadres participated in the event. After the launching ceremony of

, everyone collectively watched the classic red film "Jiao Yulu". The film tells the story of Jiao Yulu, who used his strong perseverance and passionate feelings to lead the county's cadres and masses to control the "three pests" during his work in the Lankao , and fought against the heaven and the earth, which is a heart-stirring story. During the viewing process, all the veteran cadres were deeply moved by Jiao Yulu's spirit. They all expressed that they should vigorously inherit, carry forward and practice Jiao Yulu's spirit, strive to be good party members like Jiao Yulu, and, like "Jiao Tong", deepen their roots It has firmly penetrated into the hot land of Zibo and continues to exert its remaining heat for Zibo’s economic and social development.

In the next step, the Bureau of Veteran Cadres of the Municipal Party Committee will continue to carry out the red movie viewing activities of "Relive the Red Years and Continue the Red Bloodline", give full play to the positive motivational effect of red movies, and guide the retired cadres to not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, and feel the sense of the party Well, listen to the Party, follow the Party, and contribute "silver strength" to the new era of striving to create a new era of socialist modernization and strong city construction.