NATO's entanglement with China and its endless entanglement on the China issue are not only due to the United States, but also to the attempts of relevant Asian countries to lure wolves into the country. However, Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand,

NATO Why is it always entangled with China?

2022 06 30 11:50 Dwelling in a Snail

NATO is entangled with China, and it is entangled endlessly on the China issue. It is not just the United States, but also the attempts of relevant Asian countries to lure wolves into the house. However, Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, , New Zealand, and other countries are all members of Western countries and societies, and are part of Western countries and societies.

They are countries that developed on the basis of Western countries and societies. They are countries that rely on Western countries and societies to gain national interests. They collude with Western countries and societies and are accomplices in global hegemony and colonization. They are also the accomplices of global colonization and Tools of hegemony.

NATO entangles China and blackmails China on relevant international issues and issues. In fact, it is Western countries and societies that want to use NATO as a tool to obtain more and greater benefits in Asia.

The United States has kidnapped NATO. Asian countries want to use NATO to suppress and contain China in Asia in order to gain control and dominance over the hegemony and colonial policies of Western countries and societies. Because the existence and influence of China in Asia affects their hegemony, their ability to dominate Asia, and their ability to control Asia, causing their Asian power and interests to suffer huge losses. Therefore, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States all want to draw NATO into Asia to ensure and maintain their hegemony and neocolonial policies in Asia.

1 Because of China's development and rise, it has blocked Western countries and societies from colonizing the world, their ambition to dominate the world, and their pace of colonizing the world. It also blocked their dominance and control over Asia, Southeast Asia, colonial Asia and Southeast Asia.

With the development of China, Western countries and societies have lost the opportunity for hegemony and global colonization. China's development has prompted the global community to say no to the hegemony and colonialism of Western countries and societies, prompting many countries around the world to stay away from Western countries and societies, but to move closer to China, get closer to China, and cooperate with China for development.

China's development has prompted Latin America, most of Southeast Asia, and relevant African countries to move closer to China and launch comprehensive cooperation with China. These regions chose to fully cooperate with China and abandon Western countries and societies. As a result, Western countries and societies lost opportunities for hegemony, colonization, and exploitation.

2China's development has changed the hegemonic system of Western countries and societies, resulting in Western countries and societies no longer being able to use neocolonial and hegemonic means to control the world, seize global resources, and enjoy hegemonic dividends.

In the past, China did not develop and rise into a global power, a global economic and trade power. Western countries and societies use their own economic, trade, political, financial, technological and military threats and coercion to threaten relevant countries around the world and use neo-colonialism to appropriate other countries' property and resources.

China's development has changed the global economy and trade structure, as well as the global economic and trade system. As a result, many countries have more choices and a certain degree of autonomy. As a result, the relevant countries have got rid of their dependence on Western countries and societies in terms of economy, technology, financial trade, and investment, and it has also enabled many countries around the world to get rid of the economic and social oppression and exploitation of the relevant countries by Western countries and societies.

3 Targeting China means that Western countries and societies unite to fight against global counter-hegemony forces and anti-colonialism. China is a giant in the global power structure and an unshakable global power. The United States alone cannot shake China, nor can it comprehensively contain China.

In order to contain China and maintain global hegemony and colonization. The United States unites with Western countries and society, and NATO to attack China and contain China. To force China to submit and transfer China's power and interests, it is intended to maintain the hegemony and colonial policies that consolidate Western countries and societies.

China's development is actually a force against hegemony and anti-colonialism. China's development and rise have shaken the West's cheese, and also made it impossible for Western countries and the United States, the leader of social hegemony, to contend with China alone, nor to deal with China alone.

4 Western countries and societies are suppressing and boycotting China. Safeguard the global interests of Western countries and societies and safeguard the global hegemony of Western countries and societies.

China's development has changed the pattern of Western countries and societies in which one country dominates the global society. It has also changed the unipolar world of the United States in the global strategic pattern and the pattern of American hegemony in the world. China's development has changed the structure of the entire world and triggered the evolution of a new global structure.

5 China’s rise and development have shaken the foundation of hegemony of Western countries and societies, as well as their confidence and self-confidence in global hegemony. In front of China, they no longer have the so-called institutional confidence and self-confidence in the system.

Western countries and societies are now experiencing many domestic problems and their societies are on the verge of collapse. Western countries and societies unite to stop China because China's system and institutional superiority pose a challenge to Western countries and societies controlled by capital. At the same time, China's system is more resilient and flexible than Western countries and societies when it comes to national governance issues.

Western countries and societies do not strive for reform or change their minds. Still insisting on implementing the hegemony and colonial policies of Western countries and societies. The delusion still uses hegemony and colonial policies to exploit, coerce, and threaten the entire world. In this way, we can once again obtain the wealth that continues the capitalist society to ensure the stability and continuity of capitalist .

6China’s peaceful thoughts have impacted the global hegemonic thinking of Western countries and societies, and are also breaking the hegemonic thinking of Western countries and societies united by the United States.

China’s moral power poses a challenge to the hegemony of Western countries and societies led by the United States, and is also impacting Western countries and societies’ dominance and control over the world.

China convinces people with virtue, helps the world with virtue, respects and cooperates with countries around the world on an equal footing to develop. It has impacted the hegemonic system of Western countries and societies and also posed a challenge to Western countries and societies.

Western countries do not change their thinking, do not change their hegemonic and colonial policies, and insist on changing China, blaming the failure and incompetence of the West on China's development and rise. Using China as an excuse, once again, to promote the hegemony and colonial policies of Western countries and societies.

Western countries and societies are still obsessed with the illusion of hegemony and colonialism. Western countries and societies deceive themselves and naively believe that they can only contain China and make China surrender or collapse. Western countries and societies still have the opportunity to hegemonize and colonize the world.

7 The United States is now unable to compete with China alone, so it has no choice but to unite with its allies to deal with China. To contain China, NATO is the best pawn and tool. Because NATO is actually controlled and manipulated by the United States. In the entire Western countries and societies, no one can replace the military and security interests of the United States.

Now, Western countries and societies have become tools to contain China. Western countries and societies have a common purpose of encircling and containing China. It is to prevent China's development and rise. Because if China develops and grows, rises to become a global power, and can influence the global structure, then Western countries and societies will not be able to enjoy the dividends of hegemony and colonization, and Western countries and some countries will not be able to get a share of the pie, or even, There was no chance to even drink soup. Therefore, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and other Western countries in Asia are trying to draw NATO into Asia.

8 Western countries and societies believe that China did not stand with or cooperate with Western countries and societies on the issue of sanctions against Russia, nor did it support or stand with the West on the issue of Ukraine .

On the Ukrainian issue, Western countries and societies have criticized China quite a bit. On the Ukrainian issue, they have publicly accused and slandered China. Because of the Ukrainian issue, Western countries and societies want to use NATO to enter Asia to beat China, force China, and blackmail China.

9Asia Southeast Asia is the future economic, trade, political, technological, and financial development center of the world.Western countries and societies want to use joint military power to enter Asia and Southeast Asia.

NATO uses the combined power of the United States to maintain a presence in Southeast Asia to obtain maximum strategic benefits. Moreover, NATO's military and political power is used to coerce China and force China to give up more interests and dominance in Asia and Southeast Asia.

10 NATO's entry into Asia and its presence in Asia are in line with the strategic interests of Western countries and society, and are also future strategic needs. Western countries and societies want to use their combined powerful political and military power to intervene in Asia and Southeast Asia and balance China's dominance and influence in Asia.

The United States and Western countries and societies want to use interest politics and the power of military groups to threaten and coerce relevant countries to serve the political, economic, and strategic interests of Western countries and societies.

NATO is actually a tool for Western countries and social hegemony and colonial positioning. Western countries and societies just want NATO to enter Asia and Southeast Asia. With the comprehensive military, political, etc. strength of Western countries and societies. Divide Asia and China and divide the wealth and interests of Asian countries. To maintain the dominance and influence of Western countries and societies in Asia.

11 NATO will enter Asia. Even if there are difficulties and resistance, or there are political and military procedures, and legal obstacles, NATO will not give up.

Now it is not a question of whether the United States is willing to enter Asia, nor whether the United States promotes it. The issue is Asia's future interests and strategic position. It aroused NATO's attention and also aroused NATO's ambitions. In the future, Asia and Southeast Asia are NATO's political needs and strategic needs. NATO itself serves the interests and strategies of Western countries and societies.

Let us not underestimate or underestimate the ambition of NATO, an organization of Western countries and societies, to enter Asia and Southeast Asia. Because this is the political and strategic need of Western countries and societies. Political and strategic needs force NATO to enter Asia and Southeast Asia unconditionally.

NATO's entry into Asia is not just a challenge from China, a competition, or a systemic challenge as officially claimed by NATO. These are all excuses. The purpose is to control Asia and Southeast Asia, and to exist in Asia and Southeast Asia. Use NATO's political and military control to obtain the best interests of Western countries and societies in Asia, or to maximize interests.

NATO must deal with China when entering Asia. Therefore, China is NATO's target. NATO must conduct a public opinion war, a political war, and an ideological war against China. NATO's early public opinion was China, which used public opinion to build momentum, set issues, and expand NATO's entry into Asia. Then came the comprehensive linkage and comprehensive cooperation and alliance with the West. Finally, NATO entered Asia legitimately.

It is difficult for China to prevent NATO from entering Asia, because there are many political problems, ideological problems, and strategic problems in Asia. For example, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Australia, and an indecisive India, plus the opportunistic Singapore . This creates the possibility for NATO to enter Asia and exist. NATO wants to establish a NATO branch in Asia and maintain its presence in Asia. NATO can only cause chaos in Asia and will also trigger radical changes in Asia's geopolitics.

Please stay tuned: "Military Situation of Sino-US Relations in the Western Pacific", "Political Situation of Sino-US Relations in the Western Pacific", "Economic Situation of Sino-US Relations in the Western Pacific", "Four Steps of Fujian Ship and Aircraft Carrier Training", "Fujian Ship and Aircraft Carrier Operations" Analysis", "Fujian Ship Aircraft Carrier Battle Group", "Fujian Ship Aircraft Carrier VS Ford Class Aircraft Carrier", "Fujian Ship Aircraft Carrier and China's Sea Power", "Fujian Ship Aircraft Carrier China's Sea Power Will Not Go Too Far", "China-U.S. Relations The United States’ Matryoshka Doll Strategy”, “NATO’s making enemies in Asia is not conducive to European security”, “NATO’s intrusion into Asia triggers radical geopolitical changes in Asia”. "Global Dominance in Sino-US Relations", "The Dilemma of the West in Sino-US Relations", "Putin's Global Strategy Shaping in the Ukraine War", "Analysis of Ukraine's Military Failure" series, thank you!