In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, eulogize the party's great achievements, and stimulate the enthusiasm of party members, cadres and the masses to participate in striving for excellence, Yingbin Street carried out the "Pa

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, eulogize the party's great achievements, and stimulate the enthusiasm of party members, cadres and the masses to participate in striving for excellence, Yingbin Street launched the "Party Flag Reflects Tianshan " and "Follow the Party to Welcome the 20th National Congress and Practice the Original Aspirations" "Celebrating July 1st" theme party day activities. Invite representatives from the major working committees and major party committee member units in the jurisdiction, deputies to the people's congresses at all levels in the jurisdiction, party branches of non-public enterprises, and resident representatives to participate.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China..." The event kicked off with an impassioned oath. Jiao Hengbo, secretary of the street Party Working Committee , led this year's new probationary members to take the oath of joining the party. All party members present solemnly raised their right hands and recited the oath together. The pledge to join the party has been warmed up . The clank oath reflects the infinite loyalty and love of all party members to the Communist Party of China, and they adhere to the original intention and mission of joining the party. The secretary of the Party Working Committee distributed red gift packages to new party members, and probationary party member Xie Yurong made a speech focusing on "adding brilliance to the party flag and adding brilliance to the national flag."

During the event, Zhang Fusong, an old party member who has reached the 50th anniversary of the party, was awarded the commemorative medal of "50 Years of Glorious Service in the Party" and sent flowers to pay tribute and blessings to him, so that he could truly feel the warmth of the party and enhance the honor of the old party member. sense of belonging, purpose and purpose. Zhang Fusong said: "I feel particularly warm and honored to receive the commemorative medal of '50 Years of Glory in the Party'. In the future, I will continue to use my experience to provide suggestions and suggestions for the development of street communities and use my remaining energy to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China." Energy."

Community Secretary "Competition", various community red song competitions, party affairs knowledge and traditional Chinese culture knowledge Q&A and other sessions injected vitality into this theme party day activity. Community cadres took the initiative to form a race to catch up with each other and strive to be the first. Excellent good atmosphere.

At the end of the event, the Party branch of Bazhou Apache Anke Engineering Co., Ltd., a non-public enterprise in the jurisdiction, and the Party branch of Korla Wenbao Trading Co., Ltd. selected outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers, and outstanding candidates for this "July 1" activity. Volunteers gave commendations and condolences. (Correspondent Ma Yanli)