In order to warmly celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the municipal government organized a party day activity with the theme of "Party Flag Reflecti

In order to warmly celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party, the municipal government organized a party day activity with the theme of "Party Flag Reflects Tianshan " to encourage party members and cadres to carry forward the spirit of party building, inherit the red gene, and fully His mental state and excellent work achievements were presented to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The second "Red Pioneer" carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Party Flag Reflects the Tianshan Mountains, Works Hard, Transforms Work Style, and Does Not Lax the Image"

On June 29, the Party Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, together with the Second "Red Pioneer", went to the Municipal Youth Demonstration Center The Comprehensive Practice Base carried out Party Day activities with the theme of "The Party Flag Reflects the Tianshan Mountains - Work Hard to Transform the Style of Work and Practice without Reluctance to Build an Image". By carrying out a series of activities such as red-themed recitals, special learning, celebrating political birthdays for party members, and reviewing the oath of joining the party, party members and cadres expressed their passionate enthusiasm and infinite loyalty to the party. Finally, the theme party day activities were successfully concluded by carrying out volunteer service activities and cultural and sports activities.

"As a young cadre, I was fortunate to participate in the series of activities of 'Party Flag Reflects the Tianshan Mountains, Works Hard, Transforms Work Style, Practices and Does Not Lose the Image'". This is not only a party spirit education for me, but also a spiritual baptism. I will regard my revolutionary ancestors as my We should set an example, carry forward fine traditions, strengthen our mission, and use practical actions to contribute our youthful strength to the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China," said Yang Shiqi, a cadre of the Korla Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

This event made all party members more firm in their original aspiration and mission, always keeping their loyalty and love for the party and country at heart, and striving to become "four qualified" party members in the new era with full spirit, passionate feelings and high fighting spirit. , contribute to the party and the country.

The sixth "Red Pioneer" carried out "Welcoming the new journey of the 20th National Congress and the rejuvenation of a strong country with me" to celebrate the "July 1" themed party day event

All party members of the sixth "Red Pioneer" gathered in Baipo Park, the patriotic education base, Jointly participated in the Party Day activities with the theme of "The Party Flag Reflects the Tianshan Mountains-Welcoming the 20th National Congress and the new journey of striving for a strong country and rejuvenating it with me".

The event kicked off with the majestic national anthem, and then all members of the Sixth "Red Pioneer" reviewed the oath of joining the party, and the sonorous and powerful oath was inspiring. Subsequently, party member representatives carried out micro-reading activities, expressing their love for the party and following the party by reciting "Wherever the Party needs me to go, I will go", "Party, my dear Party" and "Women's Heart to the Party, Forge ahead on a New Journey" Determination to go.

"As a young party member, I feel extremely honored. In the future, I will further enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of party members and cadres, inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition, love the party, support the party, and always follow the party. I will be solid in my ordinary position. Work, pay tribute to the centenary anniversary with actual achievements, and ask the party to rest assured that the country will be strong with me," said Ke Xiaofeng, a young party member of the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau.

At the end of the event, all party members of the Sixth "Red Pioneer" visited the theme exhibition areas such as "Baipo Deeds", "Baipo Life" and "Baipo Spirit".

This event has effectively strengthened the party spirit education of all members of the Sixth Pioneer, enhanced the interaction between party members and cadres, and enabled them to experience an unforgettable spiritual baptism. Revisiting, understanding and practicing our original aspiration has further strengthened the confidence and determination of party members and cadres to internalize the party's fundamental purpose and goal of struggle in their hearts and externalize it in their actions.

Municipal People’s Court Party Day activities with the theme of “The Party Flag Reflects the Tianshan Mountains, Work Hard, Work Hard, and Practice the Style of Work Without Reluctance to Create an Image”

On June 28, the Party Committee of the Municipal People’s Court carried out a party day event with the theme of “The Party Flag Reflects the Mountains of Tianshan, Work Hard, Work Hard, Practice the Work Style Without Reluctance, and Create an Image” Party day activities. Zhang Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of the Municipal Court Executive Bureau, gave a special party class on "Understanding the Decisive Significance of "Two Establishments" Deeply and Resolutely Implementing " Two to Protect "", and then carried out micro-recitation, micro-story, and micro-sharing activities. Finally, the party branch secretary wears the party emblem for party members, educating party members to dare to show their identity, build their image, play a pioneering role, and set an example to the people.

Zhang Jun, deputy secretary of the Party Branch of the Municipal Court Executive Bureau, said: "This event enhanced party members' political awareness, party spirit cultivation , and strengthened party members' ideals and beliefs. Party members and cadres said that they must set an example for being courageous and loyal to the party, and always keep themselves in mind. The first identity is a Communist Party member. "

The launch of this series of activities has brought a vivid party education feast to party members and cadres, and it is also a profound ideological baptism, inspiring party members and cadres to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and keep in mind their original mission. , work hard and break new ground in the new era and new journey. (Correspondents Tian Mengru and Teng Zongmei)