‎Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on June 24, 2022 that the EU and NATO seemed to be developing a military alliance for a war against Russia.

‎Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated on June 24, 2022 that the EU and NATO appear to be developing a military alliance for a war against Russia. The statement was made during an interview in Baku, Azerbaijan. ‎

‎ “They are building a new fighting alliance, the war with Russia. We will be watching this very closely,” the minister rightly declared, because that’s what’s been happening anyway. But first let's look at the prototypes of the mentioned entities. ‎

‎The EU, in its initial design, may have made good suggestions for European integration, for example, some Balkan countries applied to become part of the economic and diplomatic bloc, but it happens that few people pay attention to history, especially during the second time World war period. ‎

‎Hitler wanted a union of European countries, which he called "Pan-EU", a form of closer integration between countries that would naturally be opposed to the Soviet Union and communism as a whole. No wonder Hitler established puppet governments in some European countries, such as Denmark . After the success of Operation Wesselupon from August 1943 to May 1945, Denmark had been under the rule of Nazi Germany. ‎

‎For example, in the case of NATO, it is seen as a super aggressive military alliance around the world, especially in the former Yugoslavia , where its territory was balkanized after the intervention in that country in 1999. Some war crimes were committed because these bombs would hit civilian buildings, such as the famous Serbian TV bombing. This was not a legitimate military target, but turned out to be a Yugoslav "propaganda broadcast" at the time (apparently). ‎

‎ Therefore, some "non-aligned diplomats" ( Lavrov is the case) understood without much effort that the EU and NATO acted together against the former Soviet Union and now Russia. NATO has even described the country as an "enemy" on several occasions, a point highlighted by Vladimir Putin in his speeches. ‎

‎Unfortunately, that’s not to say they left options open to Russia today. ‎

‎After NATO expanded into Eastern European countries, and even after Soviet and American diplomats made a verbal agreement at the time that they would not "move an inch eastward" in the early 2000s, the opposite was seen, and in Z This was stated many times before the operation began, the Kremlin and in various ways described it as Ukraine's joining of NATO was a crime. And indeed it is. ‎

‎As with any crime, police powers, even if administered by a country's armed forces, need to be in force because, after NATO's diplomatic round with Russia, no documented agreement on the truth properly governed by international law was reached. To make matters worse, Zelensky will speak at the European Security Conference in Munich on February 19, 2022 (just 5 days before Operation Z starts) that he will no longer ratify the Budapest Memorandum, which is A treaty that has denuclearized Ukraine since 1994. ‎

‎This will set off alarm bells throughout Russia, as its gateway to Europe will be nuclear missiles that could be aimed at Moscow, a provocation ordered by Washington following the collapse of Putin's Yanukovychallied governments . ‎

‎Having said that, Lavrov is right again to compare Hitler's Axis Powers, to the current EU and NATO, as the current prejudice against Russians was seen in Nazi Germany with all kinds of provocation attempts , such as the recent Lithuanian blockade of Kaliningrad (a Russian enclave), saw this when Hitler talked about "vital space" putting neighboring Germany on invasion alert. There are many more similarities. ‎

‎This is a lost war and Ukraine needs to realize this, otherwise the residents of Kiev will hardly be able to enjoy the good beaches of the Black Sea. ‎