Walk with the party and serve the people. On July 1, in Qiuziyu Village, Shuanghou, Yinan County, 91-year-old party member Xie Wengui told the revolutionary story to volunteers. Issue 564, 2022 | Issue 3405 in total.

Founding the Party on July 1

Never forget the original intention


" The Birth Anniversary of the Communist Party of China"

Volunteers Yimeng

Inherit the red gene and continue the red blood

Together with volunteers

Walking with the Party to Serve the People


"A century-old journey, Chasing dreams"

"It was really hard during the war in those years, with nothing to eat and nothing to drink, but no matter how tired or hungry the party members were, they had to charge forward without fear of sacrifice..." July 1, in Yinan County In Qiuziyu Village, Shuanghou, 91-year-old party member Xie Wengui told the volunteers revolutionary stories.

On the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to fully reflect the care and love for the old party members, volunteers from the Great Love Yimeng Volunteer Service Team brought flowers, milk, bread, noodles and other condolences to Jiehu Street , Shuang Houzhen visited Cao Guangquan, Xie Wengui, and Chen Xiurong, three old party members who joined the party before the founding of New China, and sent them care and warmth, as well as holiday greetings and blessings. At each household, everyone carefully inquired about the elderly's life and physical condition, helped the elderly clean up, and listened to the old party members' stories about their experience of joining the party and their original aspirations during the revolutionary war years.

"I am deeply moved by the deeds of the old party members, and my heart is filled with the highest respect. As the younger generation, we must pass on the fine revolutionary traditions and precious spiritual wealth of the older generation, cherish a happy life, work hard, and use practical actions Contribute to social development and progress," volunteer Cui Rongyan said.

2022 Issue 564 | Total Issue 3405

Editor: Wu Yangchen

Proofreader: Yang Guotian

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