On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Huang Xiaowu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, recently went to Guzhen County to visit Party members and the masses in need, and extended holiday greetings to all Party members in

Send the Party's care and convey the warmth of the organization

Huang Xiaowu went to Guzhen County to express condolences to Party members and the masses in need

On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Huang Xiaowu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, recently went to Guzhen County to visit and express condolences to Party members and the masses in need, on behalf of the Municipal Party Committee , the municipal government extends holiday greetings to all party members in the city. Wang Qingwu, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General, attended the meeting.

Qiao Jianshi, an old party member of Huwa Village , has been in the party for nearly 50 years. He is usually enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings in the village and was once rated as a good person in Huwa by the village. "How is your health? What difficulties do you have in daily life?" "Have you participated in the 'Group Meeting'?" Huang Xiaowu sent condolences and condolence money to the old party members, asked about his physical condition and living conditions with concern, and expressed his sincere gratitude to Qiao Jianshi at all times. He expressed full affirmation of the actions required by party members' standards and actively cultivated a good family tradition. He hoped that the old man could pass on the excellent qualities and style of the Communists to more people through words and deeds. Huang Xiaowu urged town and village cadres to truly care about the production and life of grassroots party members, especially party members in need, effectively enhance their sense of organizational belonging and party member honor, and guide them to play a vanguard and exemplary role in rural revitalization.

"How is the quality of the tap water?" "Are there any difficulties in life?" At the home of Gao Xiufang, a poor person, Huang Xiaowu asked with concern what his main source of income was, whether it was convenient to see a doctor, and whether there was anyone to take care of him, and asked the local person in charge to take care of him. With emotion and responsibility, we solve problems for the masses, earnestly implement the party's policies to benefit the people, and send warmth to the hearts of the people. Later, Huang Xiaowu also rushed to the homes of Qiao Jianrong and Guo Chuanwang, who had been lifted out of poverty, and had a chat with them to learn more about their production and living conditions. He hoped that with the care and support of the party and the government, they would further stimulate their endogenous motivation and strive to become rich through hard work. Make the days more and more prosperous.

When visiting and expressing condolences, Huang Xiaowu emphasized that party organizations at all levels in the city should always do practical things, do good deeds, and solve problems for veteran party members and party members in need with emotion and responsibility, and send the party's care and the warmth of the organization to their hearts. . The majority of party members and cadres must further carry forward the party's fine traditions, follow the requirements of "one change, two to five", loyally perform their duties in their respective positions, strive to be the first, and contribute more to accelerating the creation of the "three places and one district" two centers. We must deeply practice the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, always keep the safety and security of the people at heart, do everything possible to solve problems for the people in need, win the trust of the people with tangible results, strive to build a happy society, and meet the new challenges with practical actions The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held.

Source: Bengbu Daily

Reporter: Li Yang Text Chen Ang Picture

Editor: Cheng Kai Proofreader: Si Congjian

Supervisor: Cheng Kai

Reviewer: Zhu Suxian

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