At the former site of the Anti-Japanese Office at the "Four Counties of Yanjun and Jiqi", all party members and cadres came to Chen Yi's former residence, general building, art troupe, underground granary and other revolutionary sites and physical exhibition areas. Under the pass

Yanjin Rural Commercial Bank held a party day event with the theme of "Remembering the Heroes, Forging Work Style, Strengthening Ability, and Promoting Development"

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Welcome to the 20th National Congress and forge ahead on a new journey. On July 1, on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, Yanjin Rural Commercial Bank Party Committee Secretary Chang Junwei and Party Committee Member Qian Hongwei led the grassroots party branch secretaries and middle-level management cadres to the former site of the Yanjun Jiqi Border Anti-Japanese Office and Yanjin The Tsuno Factory Anti-Japanese Defense War Memorial Site and other places carried out party day activities with the theme of "Remembering the Heroes, Strengthening Work Style and Promoting Development" to guide party members and cadres to trace the red memory, draw on the power of faith, continuously integrate the "red gene" into the blood, and further strengthen the cadre team. Cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness.

At the former site of the Anti-Japanese Office at the "Four Counties of Yanjun Jiqi", all party members and cadres came to Chen Yi's former residence, Jiangjun Building, art troupe, underground granary and other revolutionary sites and physical exhibition areas. Under the passionate explanation of the commentator, they watched We collected historical objects, precious pictures and documents, and relived the glorious history of the revolutionary ancestors who, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, finally won the victory of the revolution after years of hard struggle.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's charter, fulfill the obligations of a party member, and implement the party's decisions..." In front of Chen Yi's former residence, facing the bright red party flag, Chang Junwei, secretary of the executive party committee, led all the staff Reviewed and the oath of joining the party .

In front of the solemn Yechang Anti-Japanese War Memorial, shaded by green pines, representatives of party members presented flower baskets to the monument. All party members and cadres bowed three times to the revolutionary martyrs who were buried here, deeply mourned the revolutionary ancestors who contributed to the cause of the liberation of the Chinese nation, and expressed their incomparable respect and remembrance of the martyrs.

Mr. Li Lianchen, who is responsible for guarding the monument, told the story of the heroic resistance of the villagers of Yechang against Japan. With the flames of war raging, men, women, old and young, armed with guns and swords, fought the Japanese invaders to the death. They wrote a touching hymn to the anti-Japanese heroes with their blood and tears. Li Lianchen recalled: "When the Japanese army occupied the village, many villagers bravely joined the Communist Party of China and became underground organizations. They remained anonymous and dedicated silently, and were not known until after the war was won. Some villagers would rather die than surrender in order to protect the Communist Party in the village, and were attacked by the enemy. He refused to give in despite being tortured."

Finally, Secretary Chang Junwei gave everyone a lively special party class. He pointed out that by visiting the former site of the Yanjun Jiqi Border Anti-Japanese Office and paying homage to the Yanjin Yechang Anti-Japanese Defense War Monument, we deeply felt the incomparable memory of our revolutionary ancestors. Firm ideals and beliefs and a revolutionary spirit that is extremely loyal to the cause of the party. We must always bear in mind the party's struggle and glorious history, further strengthen the " four consciousness", strengthen the " four self-confidence", achieve "two safeguards", always practice the original intention, always shoulder the mission, and inherit the revolution We will carry forward the revolutionary spirit, promote the high-quality development of the bank with a firmer belief, a pragmatic style, and a fighting spirit, and continue to contribute agricultural and commercial strength to serve the high-quality development of the county economy.

Party members and cadres who participated in the event said that in the future work, they will inherit the red gene, carry forward the revolutionary spirit, take responsibility, forge ahead with determination, and perform better with higher morale, more inspiring spirit, more pragmatic style, and better performance. We will fulfill our responsibilities and contribute to painting a new picture of high-quality development of Yanjin Rural Commercial Bank.