Source: [Weihai News Network] Weihai Huancui District uses new thinking, new technologies, and new methods to speed up process reengineering, fully tap the potential new connotations of the "Environmental Quick Service" government service brand, and improve the standardization of

Source: [Weihai News Network]

Huancui District of Weihai City uses new thinking, new technologies, and new methods to speed up process reengineering, fully tap the potential new connotations of the "Environmental Quick Service" government service brand, and improve the standardization of government service operations and services. , service facilitation level.

Adhere to "same standard, same source, dynamic supervision"

Create a new ecology of intensive grassroots convenience services that is inclusive, equal, convenient and efficient for the people

Actively build the "one district, one product" project and promote "standards and specifications, mobile intelligence, integrated collaboration, efficiency and convenience "Government service model. Promote the "standardization + informatization" construction of grassroots convenience service systems. Establish and improve the working mechanism of "one list to manage everything" and continue to promote the standardization of government services. Relying on the "smart +" terminal, we will improve the "immersive" assistance, agency and package service mechanism that is mainly based on manual guidance and supplemented by intelligent guidance, effectively promote the integration of online and offline, realize the same source of service channels, and real-time convergence of services Coordinate with the processing process. Implement smart office reforms to stimulate the vitality of market entities. Relying on 16 "second batch" equipment in convenient service places at the district and town levels, through identity authentication, face recognition, independent filling in of registration information, and automatic system review, "intelligent second batch, one-stop processing, and all-area processing" are realized, intelligent More than 200 potential risks were identified and avoided. Carry out the "one thing" integrated service reform of government services. Taking "engineering project construction" in the entire life cycle of an enterprise as an example, we are the first in the province to merge seven items, including construction project construction licenses, air defense basement construction licenses, and project quality supervision procedures, into "construction project construction comprehensive licenses." 1 matter, realizing the "seven certificates in one" and "one certificate with multiple codes" code scanning integration, the number of corporate errands is reduced from at least 7 to 1, and the processing time limit is changed to instant processing.

Administrative approval "Online Office Manager"

Build a convenient and fast online government service system

Relying on the "One Online Office" unified acceptance platform, it integrates professional data from government service departments and develops official government websites, WeChat public accounts, mobile APPs, etc. Complementary, collaborative and efficient comprehensive government service system. The online lobby realizes "one-stop service". Based on the standardization of government services, 10 categories of administrative power and public service matters were sorted out, and a list of 26 "online processing" items was disclosed to the public. The accuracy of the standardized elements of the "6+1" category of government service items upon application was regularly monitored. , inspections and notifications, more than 61,000 government affairs services in Huancui District were all included in the online government affairs hall, and the online office data indicators were continuously optimized. Smart applications enable “handheld operation”. Integrate various government service APPs in Huancui District and unifiedly build the "Love Shandong·Weihai" APP Huancui District section. As the general portal of mobile government services in Huancui District, it provides more convenient "handheld" processing for enterprises and the public. channels to achieve “fingertip handling” of government services. The "General Affairs Alliance" realizes "universal services across provinces and cities." Focusing on breaking the regional restrictions on government services, we optimized and improved the Shandong Government Service Network (Weihai) and the "Love Shandong·Weihai" general service area, and published a list of 321 province-wide and 132 cross-provincial general services, in conjunction with 16 central urban areas in the province. , 24 provinces, 210 counties and cities have reached a "cross-regional unified service" coordination and linkage mechanism for government services.

"Sharing and integration" of government affairs resources

Build a government service platform with full coverage

Comprehensively integrate government service resources to make government services smarter and allow people to do things more worry-free, time-saving and effort-saving. Promote the " Internet + " remote inspection model. Focusing on enterprise-related service issues during the epidemic, we issued a "non-face-to-face review and approval" initiative to guide enterprises and the public to adopt "online declaration" and use the DingTalk office software and the "Cloud Inspection" platform to implement the application for venues, facilities and equipment, etc. "Remote" survey reduces on-site survey time by more than 75%. Realize "intelligent logout" non-intrusive approval. The "One Window" service platform for enterprises in Shandong Province has added the " Huancui Smart Logout" module. After logging in, the system automatically obtains relevant information. The applicant fills in the information and completes the signature. The system will automatically review the data and complete the pre-examination. The staff "Approval" is completed after approval, and simple cancellation business can be processed by self-service and intelligent review.Open up smart and convenient service channels at the grassroots level. In accordance with the "Six Unifications" standards and high standards, 9 town-level convenience service centers have been built. Relying on the "one-stop service" general portal of Shandong government services, 217 village (community) online sites have been established to achieve full coverage of grassroots convenience services. Strengthen cooperation with postal services, banks and other industries, equip social security self-service payment machines and other equipment, and transfer more than 400 high-frequency convenience services such as civil affairs and human resources and social security to convenience service centers to the maximum extent, and handle more than 5,600 convenience services in grassroots villages and communities. It can realize collection, payment and handling on behalf of others, further enhancing the sense of gain of enterprises and the public. (Source: Weihai Huancui District Administrative Approval Service Bureau)

This article comes from [Weihai News Network] and represents only the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information release and dissemination services.
