In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Transportation Bureau carried out a series of celebration activities such as giving party lectures, reviewing the oath to join the party, and singing red songs, guiding all party memb

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Transportation Bureau carried out a series of celebration activities such as giving party lectures, reviewing the oath of joining the party, and singing red songs to guide all party members and cadres to review the glorious history of the party, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the party, and continuously Draw on the strong motivation to move forward bravely and ensure that we will contribute to the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results!

Li Tiezhu, Director of the Daming County Transportation Bureau

First of all, Li Tiezhu, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Bureau, taught a main party class entitled "Stick to the Faith, Be Integrity, and Be Loyal to the Party" to the party members and cadres. He explained the original intention and mission of the party to everyone and asked everyone to Accurately grasp the , never forget the original intention, keep in mind the practical significance of the mission, use full spirit, hard work, and responsible actions to write work results that are worthy of the times and the people, and always adhere to the fundamentals of serving the people wholeheartedly. The purpose is to always maintain an innocent heart towards the people and strive for a happier and better life for the people.

Then, Director Li led everyone to face the party flag and solemnly swear an oath. The sonorous and powerful oaths resounded at the event site, strongly shocking every party member present. Every word, sacred and heroic, reflected the comrades' commitment to the Communist Party of China. of infinite loyalty. They concentrated on watching the special video "The Great Cause of Party Building", reviewing the turbulent years and glorious achievements of the Communist Party of China in leading the people to struggle, and let their souls be baptized again.

In the end, the group sang red songs such as "My Motherland and Me", "Without the Communist Party, There Will Be No New China", "Unity is Strength", etc. The impassioned red songs expressed the deep love for the Party and the love of the transportation party members and cadres. The patriotism also shows the energetic and positive spirit of traffic people in the new era.

Editor in charge: Liu Changyong

Source: Daming Transportation Bureau