In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further strengthen party members' party spirit, and build political loyalty, on the occasion of July 1st, the Enping Municipal People's Procuratorate launched a series of "Enping Red July

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further strengthen party members party spirit and build political loyalty, on the occasion of July 1st, the Enping Municipal People's Procuratorate launched a "Enjian Red July" series of activities to inspire everyone The prosecutors made contributions to the new era and forged ahead on a new journey with a high-spirited attitude, and welcomed the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

Study and implement the spirit of the 13th Provincial Party Congress

In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 13th Guangdong Provincial Party Congress, on the morning of June 30, the Enping Municipal People’s Procuratorate invited Zhu Siyue, a member of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Team, to give a special topic to all prosecutors and police officers Preach.

Zhu Siyue gave a vivid lecture on the importance of the 13th Party Congress of Guangdong Province, the basic framework and main content of the report, and how to implement it, and led all prosecutors and police officers to deeply study the spirit of the 13th Party Congress of the Province. .

Wu Jin, member of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Political Department of the Academy, would like to make three demands: First, we must fully understand the importance of the 13th Provincial Party Congress, carefully organize publicity, and take practical actions to welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party; The second requirement is to deeply grasp the new stage, new situation and new tasks, proactively find the right position and serve the overall situation; The third requirement is to implement the spirit of the 13th Provincial Party Congress into practical actions to perform legal supervision functions.

Secretary of the Party Leadership Group Lectured on the Party Class

htmlOn July 1, Yang Faman, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Prosecutor General of the hospital, titled "Carrying forward Jiao Yulu's spirit and writing a new chapter for Enping Procuratorial Affairs in the new era". A special party class was given to all procuratorial officers to give full play to the value of Jiao Yulu's spirit and organically integrate Jiao Yulu's spirit with procuratorial work.

This class party class led all the prosecutors and police officers to review the four stories that reflected Jiao Yulu's spirit, and encouraged the police officers to especially learn and carry forward Jiao Yulu's fighting spirit and exploration of everything, "Dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky" and "Revolutionaries should be heroes in the face of difficulties" The pragmatic style of "eating steamed buns chewed by others has no taste" draws strong spiritual motivation from Jiao Yulu's spirit to overcome difficulties.

The course also emphasized that in the following work, all prosecutors must have a sense of collective honor, establish an overall view and collective awareness, clench their fists, work together, and strive to be the first. They must follow Jiao Yulu’s spirit and strive to achieve the goal of deprivation. Task. We must pay close attention to political construction and "get rid of thinness" in terms of ideology; strengthen sincere unity and "get rid of thinness" in organization; strengthen investigation and research to "get rid of thinness" in terms of measures; pay close attention to the implementation of tasks and "get rid of thinness" in work. .

Visited and expressed condolences to veteran party members

html On June 29, Yang Faman, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Procurator-General of the Academy, and his party visited Comrade Liang Zhaoping, a retired veteran party member, to send holiday blessings to the veteran party members, bring the party's care and condolences, and extend deep greetings and high respect. .

Liang Zhaoping joined the Communist Party of China in January 1972. He has been a party member for 50 years this year. Before his retirement, he worked as a judicial police officer in our hospital. Since joining the party, he has been strictly demanding himself according to the standards of a Communist Party member. He has been rooted at the grassroots level for decades, working diligently and contributing to the development of Enping's procuratorial cause.

Yang Faman awarded Liang Zhaoping the commemorative medal of "50 Years of Glory in the Party", and told the veteran comrades to take good care of themselves and encouraged him to continue to play a pioneering and exemplary role as a party member, carry forward the party's glorious tradition, use the remaining heat, and make more contributions to the development of the procuratorial cause.

Yang Faman said that the development of Enping Procuratorate could not achieve today's results without the selfless dedication and silent dedication of veteran party members and veteran cadres. When treating veteran party members and veteran cadres, we must visit them frequently and visit them frequently, and be meticulous and meticulous with feelings and responsibilities. Provide precise services, effectively do practical things and solve problems for them, and send the Party's care to their hearts.

Carry out a series of party building activities

html On June 27, the Enping Municipal People's Procuratorate went to Enping Xinjincheng Ceramics Co., Ltd. and Gaoyuan Village, Shahu Town to carry out "Branch joint construction and pioneering together" joint construction activities , respectively. They exchanged information on party organization building, organizational life development, and joint construction and joint construction. Through the joint construction of branches, we will give full play to the leading role of party building, promote the deep integration of party building and rural revitalization, and comprehensively promote grassroots party building to lead grassroots governance.

Recently, various party branches organized and carried out "Red July" joint lecture activities around the theme of "deepening the study and education of party history and welcoming the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party" . Branch secretaries and outstanding party members shared party history cases and original intentions. The story guides all party members to inherit the red gene, confirm prosecutorial loyalty, and inspire police officers to faithfully perform their duties and forge ahead with determination.

Each party branch also organized visits to Wu Youheng’s former residence, Liying School, Shengtang Town Shuitang Village, "Three Elders" Memorial Pavilion and other red education bases. All party members received profound party spirit education and patriotism education. , is a meeting between ideal and The spiritual baptism of faith enables police officers to remember their original aspiration and mission in their future work, carry forward the spirit of their ancestors, give full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of Communist Party members, and make new contributions to the development of procuratorial work in the new era.

Sing a red song to the party

htmlOn June 30, our institute held the "Welcome the 20th National Congress, a red song to the party" literary competition. 9 participating teams participated in the competition to review the glorious history of the party and praise the party. of great achievements.

This competition is rich in content and diverse in form, including not only traditional red song singing, but also poetry recitation, sitcom and other performance forms. During the competition, all the prosecutors and police officers were full of energy and enthusiasm. They expressed their love for the party in different ways, which fully demonstrated the good spirit of the Enping prosecutors. The red songs are either impassioned, melodious or full of affection, and all express true praise of the glorious history of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party.

After fierce competition, the competition finally determined the first, second, third prize and excellence award.