In order to solemnly commemorate the 101st anniversary of the Communist Party of China, review the party’s history of struggle, and eulogize the party’s glorious achievements, on the afternoon of June 30, the Party Branch of the Justice Bureau held a special party class on “Teach

In order to solemnly commemorate the 101st anniversary of the Communist Party of China, review the party’s history of struggle, and eulogize the party’s glorious achievements, on the afternoon of June 30, the Party Branch of the Justice Bureau launched the special theme of “Talking about the Party’s History to Celebrate July 1st and Welcome the 20th National Congress” Party class activities.

Comrade Yin Kuishan, a retired veteran cadre of the Justice Bureau and winner of the Autonomous Region Model Worker, was specially invited to give a lecture at this party class event. Comrade Yin Kuishan took "Studying a Centenary of Party History and Forging Strong Party Spirit to Welcome the 20th National Congress" as the theme, focusing on the six focus requirements of the "Opinions on Promoting the Normalization and Long-term Effectiveness of Party History Study and Education" issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, the Communist Party of China A vivid lesson on the century-old party history was given to all members of the Party Branch of the Judicial Bureau, including the century-old struggle, the great spirit of party building, the spiritual pedigree of the Chinese Communists, and the great achievements of New China, combined with their own insights.

Through the development of this special party class, all party members have a more in-depth study and understanding of the century-old party history, draw more wisdom and energy from the century-old party history, carry forward the great party-building spirit, and enhance their love for the party and patriotism. , tempered the strong party spirit and strengthened loyalty to the party. At the same time, it inspired the majority of party members to transform the results of party history study and education into motivation for entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship. In the future, they will be dedicated to their jobs and fulfill their responsibilities in serving the overall situation and implementing major tasks. They will work hard, constantly demonstrate new achievements, and meet the party's responsibilities with excellent results. The twentieth victory was held.