If the stalemate continues, no one will win in the end. As Russia, even if it wins the war, NATO's containment of Russia will not stop there, and may intensify.

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues to this day, it seems that no one has taken advantage of it. If the stalemate continues, no one will win in the end.

As Russia, even if it wins the war, NATO ’s containment of Russia will not stop there, and may intensify. During the war, Russia lost troops and generals, and it will take time for the economy to recover after the war. Looking back, this war will not bring many substantial benefits to Russia.

As Ukraine , due to being caught in a dilemma between Russia and NATO, although it is not strong enough, it has to bite the bullet and fight Russia to the end. The war left Ukraine riddled with holes, the people were in dire straits, and the country was devastated, making Ukraine the biggest victim of the war. After the war, Ukraine still has to survive in the cracks between Russia and NATO. If it cannot successfully join NATO and does not want to completely establish a good relationship with Russia, it will have to continue to be controlled by others and its fate will be worrying. Therefore, the war will not bring any benefits to Ukraine. Because Ukraine is destined not to win the war, it is inevitable that it will continue to be manipulated after the war.

As the parties involved, Russia and Ukraine must be thinking about the same question. If the war continues endlessly, what benefits will it bring to them? The answer is obvious, so making concessions at the right time is essential. It just so happens that United Nations Secretary-General Guterres is mediating with the two countries on the issue of Ukrainian grain exports. Taking this rare opportunity, Russia takes the initiative to withdraw from Snake Island, which is undoubtedly a wise move.

Not only that, Russia has frequently shown goodwill, actively exchanged prisoners of war with Ukraine, defaulted to Sweden and Finland to join NATO, and deliberately turned a blind eye to Turkey 's sudden statement, and Putin also launched multinational diplomacy with the intention of restoring the country. loss. There are various signs that Russia has taken the initiative to surrender, sending an important signal and expressing its strong desire to end the war as soon as possible. Obviously, Putin did not act impulsively, but made a difficult choice after careful consideration.

I have to say that Putin is indeed a ruthless character. He is able to bend and stretch, advance and retreat, which is very commendable. Although the dawn of peace has begun to emerge, it is still too early to say that peace will be achieved in a short time. Whether Russia and Ukraine can finally turn hostility into friendship depends on the following important factors: First, the attitude of NATO, especially the attitude of the United States. If they are unwilling to give in and continue to exchange fire and knives, then the war will continue and even turn vicious. The second one means Ukraine. Although Ukraine has always been in a passive and weak position, their attitude is equally important. As one of the warring parties, if they overestimate their capabilities, insist on fighting, and continue to resist, the war will still not stop unless Russia can completely defeat Ukraine and end the fighting as soon as possible.

War has always been a lose-lose outcome. As a righteous party, you will still suffer heavy losses. It is in the interests of all parties that the two sides reach a consensus and end the war earlier. We want peace not war, this is the consensus of the whole world!