The 2022 G20 Summit will be held in Bali, Indonesia, at the end of the year, and next year's G20 Summit will be hosted by India. The outside world is paying close attention to where India will choose the venue for the meeting. India said it is considering hosting next year's G20

The 2022 G20 summit will be held in Bali in Indonesia at the end of the year. Next year's G20 summit will be hosted by India. The outside world is very concerned about where India will choose the address of the meeting. Surprisingly, the answer given by New Delhi recently is quite provocative. India said it is considering hosting next year's G20 summit in the disputed territory of Kashmir. In this regard, Pakistan has clearly expressed its opposition. China, which has just cooperated with Pakistan in the Kashmir region to jointly build the "China-Pakistan Economic Corridor", has also responded to India's decision.

According to news from observer website , at a recent regular press conference, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian was asked, "India is considering holding some activities of the 2023 G20 Summit in the disputed Jammu and Kashmir region. Pakistan The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its opposition. What is China’s comment on this?” Zhao Lijian responded that China’s position on the Kashmir issue is consistent and clear. This is a historical issue between India and Pakistan. It should be resolved through peaceful dialogue and consultation in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Charter, Security Council resolutions and relevant bilateral agreements, so as to maintain peace and stability in the Kashmir region.

combing found that the dispute between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir territory has been going on for decades. Part of the territory controlled by India is named Jammu and Kashmir state , and the part controlled by Pakistan is called Azad Kashmir and Gir git-baltistan. Both sides claim to have autonomy over the Kashmir region in a broad sense, that is, both sides are eyeing each other's half of the territory, and neither is willing to make concessions, causing the Kashmir issue to continue to this day.

The Kashmir region is the "gateway" to South Asia and borders Pakistan, India and China. However, China has basically withdrawn from regional disputes after declaring that its territory does not belong to the Kashmir region. Its condescending mountain terrain is extremely conducive to combat. For Pakistan and India, whoever fully controls Kashmir can suppress the other party. Objectively speaking, India is pushing Kashmir to the international stage at this time, presumably hoping to use its status as the host country of the G20 to force Pakistan to compromise. Pakistan's opposition is inevitable.

For Pakistan, although the ecological environment of the areas it controls is relatively harsh and unsuitable for human survival. However, in order to avoid being suppressed by India, Pakistan has strengthened its regional control at all costs. It once even moved its capital 1,100 kilometers to Islamabad , and created the "Emperor Guards the Country" to express its strong determination to fight for every inch of territory. In particular, China is also implicated in the Kashmir issue. If India wants to unite with the West to put pressure on Pakistan, it is afraid that the West will take the opportunity to make trouble against China.

It is worth mentioning that an Indian reporter asked why China plans and implements the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in the disputed area? Zhao Lijian said that China has launched a series of projects in Pakistan that are beneficial to Pakistan’s economic development and social and people’s livelihood, but some of them are located in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. This will not affect China's position on the Kashmir issue.

There is no need to say much about the friendly relations between China and Pakistan. The word "Pakistan Railway" spread from word to mouth by the Chinese people is enough to illustrate it. As an important pilot model project of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has been carried out for nine years and has achieved fruitful results. The hydropower cooperation project in Kashmir can greatly alleviate people’s livelihood problems in Pakistan. This is also an example of China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”. The manifestation of the initiative has nothing to do with political stance. India and Pakistan's own problems must be solved by India and Pakistan themselves. China only wants to help the people of "Pakistan Railway" live a good life.

India’s attempt to expand the territorial dispute between the two countries and use its international status to pressure the other side is very similar to the United States. If Kashmir becomes the venue for the G20 summit next year, leaders of various countries will inevitably express their opinions on the dispute between the two countries. The West, which dislikes China, must exaggerate the political impact of the Belt and Road Initiative. China should be careful. Originally, the United States launched the “Infrastructure Plan” at the G7 Summit to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In addition, the United States also wants to extend its NATO power to the Asia-Pacific to target China, and is looking for issues everywhere.