Recently, the Party Branch of the Panjin City Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank of China organized all party members to the Panshan County Integrity Education Base to carry out Party Day activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st, Strengthening Party Spirit, Fac

Recently, the Party Branch of the Panjin Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank of China organized all party members to come to the Panshan County Integrity Education Base to carry out party day activities with the theme of "Celebrating July 1st, Strengthening Party Spirit, Facing Challenges, and Promoting Development" to continue to promote party history study and education and integrity warnings Education, enhance the vitality of grassroots party organizations, encourage party members and cadres across the bank to actively participate in financial services for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with high-quality development results.

solemnly swore an oath, and new and old party members reviewed the oath to join the party . At the entrance of the base, facing the bright red party flag, new and old party members raised their right fists and solemnly swore an oath. The sonorous oaths shocked every party member present, reminding everyone to not forget their original aspirations and keep their mission in mind. They further stimulated the sense of honor and mission of new and old party members, and strengthened everyone's loyalty to the party, the motherland, and the mission. The political character and patriotism of the people.

Firm belief and take multiple measures to carry out anti-corruption education. The education base focuses on the history of the Party and the Party's anti-corruption history. Under the guidance of the commentators, real cases that happened to "people around us" are deeply educated and shocking. Everyone said that they must take the case as a lesson and a warning, keep in mind the disciplines and rules, be clear about the original intention, know reverence, and abide by the bottom line. After the visit, Comrade Liu Dawen, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, gave a lecture on party integrity to all party members with the theme of "Recalling the Party's History, Building a Firm Disciplinary Dam, and Celebrating the 20th National Congress".

takes on the role of cooperating with the bank and government to serve green development. After leaving the warning education base, the Party branch of the Panjin Agricultural Development Bank and members of the Party branch of the Gaosheng Economic Zone Management Committee came to the Panshan County Forest Park, the bank's green credit support project site, to carry out environmental protection volunteering and walking activities. It is reported that with the strong support of Agricultural Development Bank of China credit funds, a number of forestry resource development and protection projects, including Panshan County land greening project, were successfully implemented. Panjin City urban greening coverage rate exceeded 40%, successfully becoming a national garden. City.

Image source of this article: Agricultural Development Bank of China Panjin Branch