British Foreign Secretary Truss, who likes to stir up troubles just like British Prime Minister Johnson, has made wild remarks internationally again. She claimed that NATO must learn lessons from its "failure to prevent the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict" and apply them

British Foreign Secretary Truss, who likes to stir up troubles just like British Prime Minister Johnson , is making wild remarks internationally again. She claimed that NATO must learn from its "failure to prevent the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict" and apply it to the Taiwan region to maintain "peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait situation." The reason why

chose to hype the Taiwan issue at this point in time is because the NATO summit is currently being held in Madrid, the capital of Spain.

The "latest strategic document" issued by NATO also unexpectedly pointed the finger at China. NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg openly talked about the Taiwan issue, and Truss also lost no time in hyping up the issue at the NATO summit group meeting. The so-called Taiwan region is under "threat".

On the third day of the NATO summit, Truss continued to clamor for the Taiwan issue. When asked whether she would suggest that the United Kingdom should "arm" Taiwan, she publicly stated that All members of the "free world" should help Taiwan has "self-defense capabilities."

However, after Truss made a series of inappropriate statements on the Taiwan issue, she returned to Sino-British trade cooperation. believed that the United Kingdom should continue to carry out economic cooperation with mainland China , but she also emphasized that when working with China In the process of doing business, the UK should also avoid becoming dependent on China.

In response to Truss's consecutive wrong remarks on Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian responded decisively: The British side's relevant position is not only self-righteous, but also extremely lacks basic common sense. The Taiwan issue is China's internal affair and no external force has the right to do so. put one's oar in.

Truss is trying his best to provoke China on the issue of sovereignty that is most concerned about, while at the same time trying to safeguard business with China. This is a fundamental contradiction. However, any diplomatic issue is a continuation of domestic affairs. As a mature politician, British Foreign Secretary Truss’s divisions and contradictions are actually caused by the chaotic state of British politics.

Therefore, if we understand the profound contradictions within the UK, we can understand Truss’s absurd performance in the diplomatic field. First of all, British politicians have long lost their practical spirit and are only good at political performances. In fact, it is not just British politicians who have this problem, it should be said that the political atmosphere of the entire Western countries is like this.

It’s just that the British political arena is particularly serious in this regard. From the Prime Minister to the MPs, everyone is now extremely proficient in the "political performance art". Take British Prime Minister Johnson himself as an example. After the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out, because Western countries were not sure what impact it would have, everyone fell into a collective wait-and-see state at first.

However, the "discerning" British Prime Minister Johnson saw a great opportunity to reap political dividends. Not only did he vigorously provide military aid to Ukraine, he also visited Kiev in person despite the flames of war. He even threatened to take off his clothes at the G7 summit and compare his chest muscles with Putin, thus establishing a "tall and mighty" figure in the minds of the people. The image of "not afraid of power" not only restored Johnson's political decline, but also started a "wave of visits" by Western politicians to Ukraine.

Compared with Johnson's shrewdness and sophistication, Truss's acting talent is not far behind. Since taking office, Truss has quickly made her name remembered by the outside world through "touches" everywhere.

Of course, it is not that there have never been politicians in the UK who want to do things, but without exception, they have been automatically eliminated by the British political environment. If you think about it, you can understand that today's Britain has long been an empty frame, and its citizens have also lost their spirit of struggle. Those who want to do things cannot change the overall situation, and those who want to tell the truth will be "silenced" by public opinion.

Before Johnson, there were several British prime ministers who resigned sadly before the international community became familiar with their names after taking office. Today, only those who are best at fraud and hype can prosper in British politics.

Secondly, Truss's hard-working performance is closely related to the power struggle of the British cabinet . Over the past year, Johnson has been one of the most watched leaders in the entire European region. This is of course not because of his ability to govern the country, but because he fully exploited the opportunities in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and earned enough attention from the world.

However, Johnson is now encountering big troubles that are difficult to resolve. First, the scandal in his private life is once again being hyped by the British media. Second, the calls for "Brexit" in Northern Ireland are growing day by day. The British public has begun to hold the Johnson government accountable for its involvement in this matter. Responsibilities to bear. These two incidents immediately put Johnson's position as prime minister in jeopardy.

There were rumors in the British media that some politicians had begun to "support" Truss in an attempt to replace Johnson. In this case, Truss would of course actively cooperate to prove that he was "worthy of the big job."

In the end, Truss couldn't solve the problem, so he could only adopt a "sloppy approach". This is why after the high-profile hype on the Taiwan Strait issue, when asked about the specific measures of the UK, Truss replied "stumbling". It's not that she suddenly lost her talent for language, but she knows that this kind of thing can only be used to deceive the public and cannot be taken seriously, otherwise the situation will be difficult to deal with.

So, how will the speculation by British politicians represented by Truss on the Taiwan Strait issue end? The answer was already foreshadowed by the British government's performance last year. At that time, in the Black Sea waters, the British Navy took the initiative to collide with the Russian Black Sea Fleet, allowing the world to enjoy the "wonderful scene" of the British ships escaping in panic after being driven by the Russian army.

Later, the British aircraft carrier "Queen Elizabeth" tried to engage in so-called "free navigation" in the South China Sea. During this period, British politicians kept making wild remarks. When they actually arrived in the South China Sea, the whole world thought that Britain was going to make some big move. At that time, the aircraft carrier quietly and quickly crossed the South China Sea and headed straight for the Western Pacific. After that,

hid in a Japanese port on the pretext of "avoiding the epidemic". It was not until a month later that external public opinion forgot about it, and then he quietly appeared as if nothing had happened. Last time, the United Kingdom managed to escape. This time, after earning enough attention from the outside world, how will the United Kingdom find a way to resolve its own embarrassment?