In the early morning of July 1, Hong Kong media reported that 23-year-old yoga internet celebrity Zhou Huixian was found dead in a hotel, which caused a heated discussion among netizens. At a young age, and with a career as an internet celebrity at the peak of his career, why did

html In the early morning of July 1st, according to Hong Kong media reports, 23-year-old yoga internet celebrity Zhou Huixian was found dead in a hotel, which caused a heated discussion among netizens. At a young age, and with a career as an internet celebrity at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly encounter such an unexpected event?

It is understood that Zhou Huixian went out on an appointment on the afternoon of the 29th last month, and she was accompanied by a man. On the morning of the 30th, Zhou Huixian suddenly lost contact, so her parents urgently searched for her.

It is reported that Zhou Huixian was originally scheduled to go to the United States for further study in the early morning of the 30th. Before the incident, she had packed all her luggage. However, her parents checked the relevant flights and did not find that Zhou Huixian had gone abroad, so they called the police in the afternoon and posted on the Internet Post a missing person notice.

Afterwards, the police obtained relevant surveillance and found that the man traveling with her was suspected of being her ex, and then launched an investigation into him.

Around evening, the suspect, accompanied by his lawyer, went to the police station to surrender, handed the police a hotel room card, and said nothing after that. At around 10 p.m., the police found Zhou Huixian's body in a hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Traces of a fight were found at the scene, and it was covered with blood. Zhou Huixian’s body was soaked in the bathtub, and a 27 cm long knife was later found. After examination, it was found that Zhou Huixian was stabbed 30 times and died within 24 hours.

The suspect was subsequently arrested.

After investigation, it was found that this was a suspected murder case. The suspect's surname is Lao, and he and Zhou Huixian were originally lovers. The two broke up and got together many times. However, as to the reason for killing Zhou Huixian, the man surnamed Lao has so far kept secret and refused to talk about it. After the news of

was exposed, many netizens became suspicious of the matter, and the identity of the man named Lao was also revealed.

It is understood that the man surnamed Lao is currently unemployed. He practiced martial arts in his early years and represented the Hong Kong Wushu Team in competitions. In 2008, he also won gold and silver medals in Tai Chi and was awarded the title of Outstanding Athlete.

In addition, regarding the motive for the murder of the man surnamed Lao, relevant personnel made speculations based on the relationship between before and after. It is understood that Zhou Huixian and the man surnamed Lao dated for a period of time. Later, because of their breakup, the man surnamed Lao threatened Zhou Huixian with "lust photos", so Zhou Huixian called the police.

Later, the two got back together again, but recently there were problems in their relationship again, so Zhou Huixian proposed to break up. From this, it was concluded that the motive of the man surnamed Lao's murder should be that he could not get back together. However, the specific reasons still need to be announced by the police.

Such a horrible ex is really shocking. Throughout the ages, there have been many cases of love killings, so women must be cautious when choosing a partner. They must focus on their character to prevent stalking after a breakup. Case.