In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party, the General Party Branch of Hongxing Village, Leyu Town, Zhangjiagang City recently carried out the theme activity of "Shining Red Star Heart to the Party, Forging ahead and Fulfilling the Original Aspirati

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party, the general party branch of Hongxing Village, Leyu Town, Zhangjiagang City recently launched the theme activity of "Shining Red Star Heart to the Party, Forge ahead and Fulfill the Original Aspiration" to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party.

"Learning and Watching" - Understanding a Century of History

organized all party members to watch the party history video "The Heart Is Unchangeable in Thousands of Rivers and Mountains". From the changes in thousands of rivers and mountains, the party members witnessed the magnificent journey of the Communist Party of China over the past century, and truly realized that the Communists The original intention and mission of the Party are to further educate and guide the majority of party members to inherit the red gene and continue the red blood.

"Words and memories" - looking back at the original intention

awarded the "50 years of glorious service to the party" commemorative medals to old party members who have reached the 50th anniversary of the party, listened to the stories of the original intention of the old party members on the spot, and gave them specially customized original intention gift packages (a A party emblem, a diary, a pen of original intention, a party constitution , and a stage of original intention), encouraging them not to forget their original intention of joining the party and keep their mission and responsibility in mind.

"Expose and brighten" - making new promises

In line with the goals of rural revitalization and grassroots micro-grid governance, all party members filled out the "Party Member Commitment Card" on-site, and took the initiative to "expose" their party membership status through their signatures and on-site reading. Come out, "show" the vanguard's commitment, establish a "military order" to take responsibility, and consciously accept the supervision of party members and the masses.

"Announcement and Reading" - Inspiring forge ahead

Under the leadership of the branch secretary, all party members faced the party flag, raised their right fist and solemnly swore an oath! Every sentence of the oath is sonorous and resounding, which further strengthens the ideals and beliefs of the majority of party members to not forget their original intention to follow the party and serve the people wholeheartedly, further stimulates the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of the officers, strives to write a new chapter in the new journey, and presents the founding of Zhangjiagang County with achievements ( City) 60th anniversary, welcoming the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Huang Yuqin

Proofreading Sheng Yuanyuan