On the morning of June 28, Mazhuang Village, Xihu Town, Liaocheng City organized a party day activity with the theme of "Speaking to the Party from the Heart". Everyone raised their right hands and solemnly swore an oath. The sonorous and powerful oath shocked every party member

On the morning of June 28, Mazhuang Village, Xihu Town, Liaocheng City organized a party day activity with the theme of "Speaking to the Party from the Heart".

First of all, Zhang Daliang, the provincial first secretary Shandong Provincial Blood Center , led all party members to review the oath of joining the party . Everyone raised their right hands and solemnly swore an oath. The sonorous and powerful oath shocked every party member present, allowing everyone to review their solemn promises when they joined the Communist Party of China, and reminded party members and cadres to always stay true to their original aspirations and work hard to forge ahead. Party members who participated in the oath said that by reviewing the oath of joining the Party, they once again realized the sense of responsibility and mission as a Communist Party member, and they must practice it with high morale, enterprising attitude and the spirit of striving for excellence in future work. Take the oath of joining the party and devote yourself to the cause of rural revitalization with the responsibility and responsibility of a party member.

Subsequently, under the party banner, each party member spoke about the process of fulfilling their original aspirations, reinventing themselves, and continuing to grow and progress. Some have demonstrated their mission and responsibility in facing difficulties by looking back at their past work; some have expressed their sincerity and support to the party through congratulations; some have shown their determination and courage to start a business by looking forward to the future... With blessings and words of confidence, the comrades used simple and sincere language to express their true love for the party and country. They gathered full commitment to perform their duties and demonstrated the loyalty and responsibility of Mazhuang people.

Finally, Zhang Daliang, the first secretary of the provincial party committee, emphasized that all party members should use their innermost words to the party as a motto to encourage everyone, and should unswervingly follow the party and be the inheritors, promoters and practitioners of the revolutionary spirit. . In future work, we must always keep our identity as a party member in mind, strictly demand ourselves with higher standards, adhere to our original aspiration and mission, actively work hard, live up to our time, seize every day, and contribute our own strength to rural revitalization and the construction of a beautiful China.