I saw an interesting and interesting piece of news, saying that the Dutch and Africans were digging holes everywhere in Africa. why? Because there is a layer of hard shell on the topsoil of Africa, it is difficult to plant trees and grass, and the land in Africa has experienced s

saw an interesting piece of news, saying that the Dutch took Africans and dug holes everywhere in Africa. why? Because there is a layer of hard shell on the topsoil of Africa, it is difficult to plant trees and grass, and the land in Africa has experienced severe desertification.

Some data say that Africa does not lack rain. Africa has a dry season and a rainy season for half the year. It is just that the desert land prevents rain from falling during the rainy season. The solution the Dutch came up with was to dig pits to collect rainwater, making the land suitable for planting grass and trees again. As a result, life emerged.

Is it the idea of ​​the Dutch because they also came from desert lands? On the contrary, the land in the Netherlands is not dry. Half of the land in the Netherlands is swampland, with an altitude of less than 1 meter. The original meaning of "Netherlands" is "Low Countries".

For hundreds of years, the Dutch have struggled with rising seawater, using windmills and canals to regulate water levels, and building long dykes to prevent floods and disasters. Today, 18% of the Netherlands’ land is artificially reclaimed.

The climate in the Netherlands is also terrible. It is windy and rainy all year round. During the long autumn and winter seasons, the sun is rarely seen. Every day there are hazy skies and strong winds. It is said that the government will often issue announcements asking citizens to supplement and vitamin D because there is too little sunshine in autumn and winter in the Netherlands.

Although the summer in the Netherlands is beautiful, it only lasts for about a month. It makes the Dutch people better understand the principle of using labor to retain the beauty. There are flowers everywhere in the Netherlands now. According to statistics in 2021, the Netherlands ranks fifth in the global happiness index of residents. What the Dutch want to tell Africans is that they can live better lives by changing their living environment.