In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit and carry forward the party’s glorious traditions and fine style, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with a new look and practic

All-media reporter Chen Xiangge Correspondent Wu Chengyang

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, inherit and carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style, and welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with a new look and practical actions, on July 1, A conference was held in Pushan Town, Wolong District to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The

conference included issuing commemorative medals of "50 years of glory in the Party" to old party members, holding activities for new party members to take oaths to join the party and old party members to review their oaths to join the party, and awarding plaques to the newly established Wandu Rose Branch of the Communist Party of China in Henan Province. This conference was simple, pragmatic, solemn and solemn, and strictly implemented the relevant requirements for epidemic prevention and control. More than 120 people participated in the meeting, including members of the town party and government team, recipients of the "50 Years of Glory in the Party" commemorative medal, secretaries of various party branches, and new development party members.

Qi Dong, Secretary of the Pushan Town Party CommitteeHuaweiOld commemorative medals were awarded to veteran party members who have "glorified in the party for 50 years". He said that issuing commemorative medals to party members who have "gloryed in the party for 50 years" is a sign of their loyalty to the party and their service to the party. It is an affirmation of dedication and a tribute to the veteran party members for not forgetting their original aspirations and keeping their mission in mind. It is also an inheritance of the excellent style and valuable spirit of the veteran party members. New party members must keep up with the old party members, inherit the fine traditions, never forget where they came from, and pass on the legacy forever.

After the list of new development party members was read out, all party members stood up, faced the party flag, raised their right hands, clenched their fists, and reviewed the oath of joining the party: "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's charter, and fulfill the obligations of party members. …” Recalling the solemn commitment and firm determination made when taking the oath to join the Party, accepting the purification and baptism of the soul under the Party’s banner, expressing the determination and desire to fight for the Party’s cause for life. The solemn and solemn review of the oath of joining the party inspired every party member present and further strengthened the ideological understanding of striving for the first place and the ideals and beliefs of serving the people wholeheartedly.

Qi Donghua awarded the newly established Wandu Rose Party Branch and delivered a speech on behalf of the town Party Committee, congratulating the medal winners of "50 Years of Glory in the Party", newly developed Party members and newly established branches, and sending a message to the attending Party members : First, we must bear in mind the party’s history, adhere to the political quality of loyalty to the party, and always maintain the political nature of hard work; second, we must maintain the advanced nature of Communist Party members, aim at building ecologically rich and beautiful Pushan, and press forward and pioneer The third is to gather strong synergy, strengthen the construction of grassroots organizations, and strive to improve leadership, organization, and execution. Let us unite more closely, gather the wisdom of the whole town, mobilize the strength of the whole town, be determined to innovate, forge ahead, concentrate our efforts, work hard, and take the opportunity of creating a "five-star" branch to lead the deepening of rural governance , jointly write a new chapter in rural revitalization in Pushan, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with excellent results!

The party members and cadres present were greatly encouraged and uplifted. The conference ended successfully with the chorus of "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China".