In fact, there are many things that cause divisions in American society, such as vaccination issues, mask wearing issues, contraceptive issues, gun ban issues, racial issues, gender issues, mortality issues, religious issues, and even more bizarrely, there are even private owners

[Why does the abortion issue cause division in American society? Because it comes from religious secondary tube thinking! ]

In fact, there are many things that cause divisions in American society, such as vaccination issues, mask wearing issues, contraceptive issues, gun ban issues, racial issues, gender issues, precariousness issues, religious issues, and even more bizarrely, Private property issues and free speech issues arise.

The root causes of these problems all come from religion. Unlike China, Western religions are peaceful and can coexist. Western religions are life-and-death type, either-or type, and irreconcilable. It can be said that in Western countries, people can have any differences between people, but it is better not to have religious differences, because this can be fatal.

In East Asia, you may hardly see wars waged for religion, while in the West and Europe, wars are almost always related to religion. For religion, they can fight wars for 200 years, such as the Crusades The Crusades , countless people died. These wars were used by the European Guizhou and religious elites and turned into political tools to attract more believers to work for them.

I have roughly counted the religious wars in European history. There have been at least five large-scale wars, often lasting more than a hundred years.

took place in the Crusades from 1096 to 1291;

took place in the French religious wars from 1562 to 1598;

took place in the thirty years of religious strife between various European countries in the 17th century;

took place in The religious wars in Uganda in the 19th century ;

The religious wars in Buganda that took place at the end of the 19th century;

These wars killed more than 50% of Europeans. On the surface, it seemed that they were life-and-death religious wars because of religion. The long-term war of this kind has formed a kind of character among white Europeans: a life-or-death character, an either-or character. Almost any social event can split them into two camps, and then they will fight endlessly.

The tearing path is probably like this:

First of all, this is just an ordinary social event ;

Secondly, when the influence of this incident expanded, it immediately affected the attention of some political or religious organizations, so it became It became a political influence;

Third, surrounding this political event, society immediately formed two opposing camps and began to fight.

In the end, political parties began to take advantage of this incident to provoke social confrontation and strive for more political benefits for their own parties.

The abortion incident in the United States completely reflects this path.

First of all, in 1969, a poor American named Jane Roe (actually her pseudonym, political forces changed her name for safety, her real name was Norma McVeigh) found out that she was unexpectedly pregnant. But because he was unable to raise the child, he lied and said that he had been raped and hoped to have an abortion. This was originally a very ordinary incident;

Secondly, however, this incident soon became unusual because the United States was engaged in the affirmative action movement in the 1960s (along with the African-American civil rights movement, the women's liberation movement, and the (a social movement that emerged from a series of civil rights movements such as the Sexual Revolution), Jane Rowe's experience immediately attracted social attention, especially the newly emerging American feminist organizations, which saw the political influence of the abortion issue and decided to use this incident Filed to the U.S. Supreme Court. An ordinary incident turned into a politically influential one.

Third, during the trial of the case, it immediately triggered a large-scale discussion among the American people, and divided into two camps, one camp was called the pro-choice camp, and the other camp was called the pro-life camp. The pro-choice group believes that abortion is a woman’s privacy, and women have the right to choose whether to have an abortion or not, and the Constitution has no right to interfere; the life group believes that the fetus is already a life, and abortion is the slaughter of life. Both sides are reasonable and disagree with each other. They had no choice but to go to the streets to fight. Extremists who ban abortion actually shoot up abortion clinics, scaring many doctors into changing careers; some even have to wear bulletproof vests to perform abortions.

Finally, the two political parties in the United States saw the political potential of the incident and felt that it was very suitable to manipulate people's ideas and serve their own parties, so the Republican Party supported the pro-life camp and banned abortion; the Democratic Party saw no choice and had no choice but to support the pro-choice party, Pro-life.

The American people are once again being manipulated by American political parties. Abortion is just one of the issues. There are many other issues similar to abortion in the United States, which can be used to control the American people and serve political parties’ campaigns and votes. When political parties need votes, they manipulate public opinion, provoke a fight between the two camps, and then profit from it. As for whether the problem itself has been solved, the political parties do not care.

For example, regarding the issue of vaccines, do the two political parties in the United States care about the lives of the American people? No, more than 1 million people died, and no one was responsible. It was solved by raising a white flag, and the American people did not blame the government for this. Why? Because they feel it is their choice! Being exploited to the point of losing one's life without knowing who the culprit is, this is what Americans are.

Americans, no, Westerners, all have this kind of moral character due to religious wars. Understanding this, we should understand that today's Western countries will never compromise with China, because they have no idea of ​​win-win cooperation. They only want the United States first, the West first, the United States first, the West first. If not, If you challenge their rules-based world order, they will contain you, sanction you, and attack you. There is no other way but to conquer them and they will compromise.